a member of a class of words that can function as the subject or object in a construction, are often formally distinguished, as by taking the plural and possessive endings, and typically refer to persons, places, animals, things, states, or qualities, as cat, desk, Ohio, darkness. [1350...
a member of a class of words that can function as the subject or object in a construction, are often formally distinguished, as by taking the plural and possessive endings, and typically refer to persons, places, animals, things, states, or qualities, ascat, desk, Ohio, darkness. ...
Unfortunately, there are not as many rules to know whether a noun in Spanish is masculine. In any case, if a word has any of the following endings you can be absolutely sure that it is masculine. ARO Words ending in -aro ARE ALWAYS MASCULINE El descaro = nerve, insolence El pájaro =...
Grammarany member of a class of words that are formally distinguished in many languages, as in English, typically by the plural and possessive endings and that can function as the main or only elements of subjects or objects, ascat, belief, writing, Ohio, darkness.Nouns are often thought of...
When including the endings, remove the hyphens listed in the examples.For example, turn the noun "danger" into the adjective "dangerous" by adding the suffix -ous. Other examples include: "The lady enjoys magic; however, she is not very magical herself." "Those who have health are ...
Most adjectives have three endings: -u (masculine), -a (feminine) and -o (neuter):Elvasu ta fríu (the glass is cold), tengo la mano fría (my hand is cold), l’agua ta frío (the water is cold) Neuternounsare abstract, collective and uncountablenouns. ...
In linguistics, an agent noun is a word that is derived from another word denoting an action, and that identifies an entity that does that action. For example, "driver" is an agent noun formed from the verb "drive". The endings "-er", "-or", and "-ist" are commonly used in ...
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Our Living LanguageIn English, plurals of nouns are normally indicated by the ending-sor-es,or in a few cases by-en,as inchildrenandoxen.Some vernacular varieties of English do not use plural endings in measurement phrases such asthree mileandten pound.This zero plural has a long history an...