马来西亚诺丁汉大学硕士留学招生信息 在诺丁汉马来西亚分校,我们把学生放在大学的核心位置。我们是致力于确保学生在学业刺激中学习,为学生的个人发展、学生的创业和领导能力提供机会。学校获得了TEF Gold评级的认可,2017年实施的教学策略十分成功,获得SETARA 2017五星级的“卓越”成熟大学奖,诺丁汉的教学质量一直是世界上名列...
诺丁汉大学 University of Nottingham
University of Nottingham诺丁汉大学商学院部分课程将于2022年4月14日截止申请 University of Nottingham诺丁汉大学以下商科课程将于英国时间2022年4月14日截止申请,为确保申请在截止日前及时完成提交,提醒有意申请的学生尽早递交材料。 •MSc Accounting a...
In the bustling British city of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University is a reputable institution of higher learning. It was founded in 1992 as Trent Polytechnic, a polytechnic with a focus on research and training. Today, it serves both purposes. The college's original foundation was laid in ...
For both PhD options you should have or expect to obtain a first class or upper 2.1 honours degree (or equivalent), or an MSc/MA, in psychology, audiology or other relevant scientific discipline. Research experience in psychology or audio...
Economics Research MSc/PgDip 1 yr (FT) Psychology Diploma 1 yr (FT) 5、教育学院(Faculty of Education)。设置的研究生课程有: Educational Leadership and Management MA 1 yr (FT) 6、人文科学院(Faculty of Humanities)。设置的研究生课程有: ...
He then went to the London School of Economics and completed an MSc (with distinction) in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics in 1967. He received his PhD from the London School of Economics under the supervision of John Denis Sargan in 1970, and until joining the University of Oxford as ...