BSc (Hons) Computer Science计算机科学(本科期间提供可选实习) BSc (Hons) Computer Science (GamesTechnology)计算机科学(游戏技术)(本科期间提供可选实习) BSc (Hons) Computer Systems (CyberSecurity) 计算机系统(网络安全)(本科期间提供可选实习) BSc (Hons) Computer Systems (Networks)计算机系统(网络)(本科期...
BEng (Hons) Architecture (Portfolio of artwork is required for admission) BSc (Hons) Chemistry BEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering BSc (Hons) Computer Science BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons) Economics BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electron...
Nursing (Adult) BSc (Hons) 成人护理学(Grade C (IGCSE or home qualificationequivalent) in Maths and Science(Biology, Chemistry included),要求提供500字PS并通过英国同事面试,雅思要求2学期总分6.0 单项不低于5.5;3学期总分5.5单项不低于5.0) Nursing (Mental Health) BSc (Hons) 精神健康护理学(Grade C (...
University of Nottingham Ningbo China admits foreign students in 29 specialties taught in English: BEng Architecture, BEng Architectural Environment Engineering, BA Business, Economy and Society of Contemporary China, BEng Civil Engineering, BEng Chemical Engineering, BSc Computer Science, BA Contemporary Ch...
在诺丁汉马来西亚分校,我们把学生放在大学的核心位置。我们是致力于确保学生在学业刺激中学习,为学生的个人发展、学生的创业和领导能力提供机会。学校获得了TEF Gold评级的认可,2017年实施的教学策略十分成功,获得SETARA 2017五星级的“卓越”成熟大学奖,诺丁汉的教学质量一直是世界上名列前茅的。SETARA进一步评级证明了我们...
Nemtari Ajienka has got distinctions in his Bsc, Msc, and PhD. All that he achieved before he was 25 years old. The latest achievement the genius got is his appointment as a senior lecturer in computer science at Nottingham Trent University, UK as he becomes the youngest lect...
Home Universities University of Nottingham Food Science Food ScienceRequest More Details Shortlist Compare Shortlist Compare # 201-250QS Subject Rankings 84,240 GBPTuition Fee/year Computer Science and Information SystemsMain Subject Area Programs2 Menu Program Overview Admission Requirements Tuition ...
BSc (H),3 年 · Psychology 心理学 · Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience 心理学及认知神经科学 46,000 /年 雅思6(5.5)分;托福 79+LW17+R18+S20+ 雅思6.5(6)分;托福 87 分+S20+LRW19+ 诺丁汉大学马来西亚分校本科入学要求 学历要求:必须完成诺丁汉大学或泰莱大学的预科课程; ...
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