諾丁漢特倫特大學(Nottingham Trent University,NTU)是一座位於英國諾丁漢的研究型大學,是一所1992年成立的新大學。最新卫报排名全英16,去年排名更是高居第12,很多人诧异这是怎么回事。小唐告诉你:秘诀就是地理位置好、就业率高、学生满意度高、师生配比高(不懂的可
Mansfield University Hub London Campus City Campus There’s something for everyone at NTU's City Campus — from lawyers, journalists & psychologists, to entrepreneurs, artists, & architects.Located in the heart of Nottingham city centre, the City Campus truly impresses, from its revamped building...
诺大有四个校区,主校区是Park校区(University Park Campus),商学院在朱不理校区(Jubilee Campus),另外两个是Sutton Bonington Campus 和King's Meadow Campus。我的专业是商学院开设的,所以我在朱不理校区上课。各个校区之间都有校园巴士直通,所以往来几个校区还是挺方便的。 Park 校区很大,很漂亮,跟个大公园一样...
诺丁汉特伦特大学 Nottingham Trent University 诺丁汉特伦特大学位于诺丁汉市,成立于1881年,当时是一所学院...
Study at Nottingham Trent University, a careers-focused university in central England, with degrees in a wide range of areas.
Nottingham Trent International College is based on Nottingham Trent University’s City Campus. Nottingham is a historic city in the heart of England. It’s a welcoming place that’s a two-hour train ride from London, and close to beautiful countryside. ...
诺丁汉大学是一所综合性大学,三个英国本土校区(Main Campus, Jubilee Campus, Sutton Bonington)以及两个海外校区(诺丁汉大学中国校区以及诺丁汉大学马来西亚校区),在校研究生有4,000人,本科生18,000人,来自100多个国家和地区的留学生有1,800人,我国世界乒乓球冠军邓亚萍曾在此校学习。
For those studying at Nottingham Trent University, the main campus is just a ten-minute walk away whilst the University of Nottingham is just a twenty-four-minute cycle away. Being located so close to the city centre you’ll be able to make the most of everything that Nottingham has to ...
诺大有四个校区,主校区是Park校区(University Park Campus),商学院在朱不理校区(Jubilee Campus),另外两个是Sutton Bonington Campus 和King's Meadow Campus。我的专业是商学院开设的,所以我在朱不理校区上课。各个校区之间都有校园巴士直通,所以往来几个校区还是挺方便的。 Park 校区很大,很漂亮,跟个大公园一样...
One student said there’s a“great balance between top ranking university education and brilliant nightlife – I had the stereotypical student life and loved it!”Another explained:“The campus is beautiful, and the city is really affordable for the UK." ...