Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College is the only sixth form college in Leeds. The College has just over 1300 students aged sixteen to nineteen, both boys and girls, and teaches mainly A-levels for entry to university. Facilities The homestay families where students stay during their time at...
[2022美国百强商院074] - 科罗拉多大学--博尔德 利兹商学院 University of Colorado--Boulder Leeds School 1218 -- 21:39 App [韬涵小咨] - 美本转学生需要注意什么? 232 -- 41:21 App [2022美国百强商院087] - 加州大学 - 圣地亚哥分校 雷迪管理学院 University of California, San Diego Rady 307 -...
Around 85 per cent of the College’s students go to university each year, including Oxford and Cambridge. The College is located immediately opposite Leeds University. Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College is the only sixth form college in Leeds. The College has just over 1300 students aged si...
Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College is the only sixth form college in Leeds. The College has just over 1300 students aged sixteen to nineteen, both boys and girls, and teaches mainly A-levels for entry to university. Facilities The homestay families where students stay during their time at...
Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College学校首页 留学费用 申请条件 专业设置 新闻动态 学术信息 学校信息 School information 学校类型:公立、中学 特色专业: 地址:St. Mark’s Avenue Leeds LS2 9BL 院校官网 入学评估 在线提交您的资料,将使您: 1、个性分析:专业顾问根据个人具体情况,对您的申请做系统分析并...
Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College学校首页 留学费用 申请条件 专业设置 新闻动态 学术信息 学校信息 School information 学校类型:公立、中学 特色专业: 地址:St. Mark’s Avenue Leeds LS2 9BL 院校官网专业设置扫描二维码 随时关注本校 关注微信 查看更多公司动态 院校动态 圣母学院留学申请 圣母学院留学...
University of Notre Dame 院校类型: 院校隶属: 所在地区:海外 学校网址 学校排名:--- 本文来源: of Notre Dame/ 以上内容是否解决了你的问题: 是,已经解决。 否,尚未解决。 非常感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快解决该问题。
Around 85 per cent of the College’s students go to university each year, including Oxford and Cambridge. The College is located immediately opposite Leeds University. Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College is the only sixth form college in Leeds. The College has just over 1300 students aged si...
Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College学校首页 留学费用 申请条件 专业设置 新闻动态 学术信息 学校信息 School information 学校类型:公立、中学 特色专业: 地址:St. Mark’s Avenue Leeds LS2 9BL 院校官网在线提问专家答疑问提问人:崔女士|提问时间:1565110801我要去圣母学院留学,想知道租房哪些问题需要注意?答...
Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College学校首页 留学费用 申请条件 专业设置 新闻动态 学术信息 学校信息 School information 学校类型:公立、中学 特色专业: 地址:St. Mark’s Avenue Leeds LS2 9BL 院校官网 在线报名 在线提交您的资料,将使您: 1、24小时内我们的专业顾问会和您取得联系并根据您的要求为您设...