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Campus Shoppes1.29公里 University Park Mall2.46公里 Christmas Tree Shops andThat!2.21公里 Wilshire Plaza2.57公里 JCPenney2.64公里 Edison Plaza1.66公里 Walmart Supercenter3公里 Best Buy2.84公里 Meijer2.58公里 Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore2.37公里 Barnes & Noble2.47公里 ...
Taphouse on the Edge1.46公里 Bob Evans1.94公里 The Original Pancake house1.94公里 Rocco's1.69公里 McDonald's1.85公里 Ho Ping House1.89公里 Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore209 米 Greenwood Plaza1.95公里 Edison Plaza1.32公里 Campus Shoppes1.46公里
Shop exclusive and officially licensed Notre Dame Gifts, Clothing & Merchandise at the Hammes Notre Dame Apparel & Spirit Shop. Find Notre Dame “The Shirt” and Notre Dame accessories.
Notre Dame is located in South Bend, Ind., just 100 miles outside of Chicago. Only freshmen are required to live on campus, but most students choose to remain on campus in one of the 30 single-sex residence halls. The halls serve as the centers of social life at Notre Dame, as there...
巴黎圣母院乐酒店 (Hotel Le Notre Dame) 3等级(最高为5等级) 1 Quai Saint Michel, 先贤祠-圣母院, 巴黎, 法国, 75005-查看地图 入住理想住宿,是美好旅程的必备要素。快来享受住宿提供的房内免费 Wi-Fi吧! 住宿位于先贤祠-圣母院的上佳位置,让您轻松探索周遭景点。 离开前,别忘了探访知名的埃菲尔铁塔。
圣母院海岸酒店 (Hotel Les Rives de Notre Dame) 4等级(最高为5等级) 15 rue quai Saint-Michel, 先贤祠-圣母院, 巴黎, 法国, 75005 - 打开地图 入住理想住宿,是美好旅程的必备要素。快来享受住宿提供的房内免费 Wi-Fi吧! 住宿位于先贤祠-圣母院的上佳位置,让您轻松探索周遭景点。 离开前,别忘了探访知名...
Eaton is providing its Green Motion Building chargers to help Notre Dame provide safe and reliable EV charging at its campus utility and maintenance buildings, commuter and faculty parking lots, an administrative building, bookstore, and art museum. The charging stations can be monitored and optimiz...
巴黎圣母院 , Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris2. 莎士比亚书店 , Shakespeare and Company Bookstore3. 蓬皮杜中心 , Le centre Georges Pom D58/5巴黎Paris1. 奥赛博物馆 , Musée d'Orsay2. 罗丹博物馆 , Musée Rodin3. 橘园美术馆 , Musée de l'Orangerie D68/6巴黎Paris-里昂lyon里昂老城区lyonCour ...