full-time mba, executive mba, specialty masters visit school website notre dame, in, 46556 connect me from the school sponsored content university of notre dame (mendoza) 2024 rankings university of notre dame (mendoza) is ranked no. 30 (tie) out of 124 in best business schools . schools ...
【圣母大学】 Notre Dame这个MBA念完是不是就要直线回国了?圣母是个好学校,在美国的名声挺好的,可要是考虑回国……会不会比较吃亏呀?目前在国内四大工作,应该辞职去念这个MBA么?求博主的建议,想做consulting,比较想在美国工作一段时间再回国, 应该会重点看Chicago那边的机会, 学校周边也就Chicago算大城市了 #美国...
The Notre Dame Global Executive MBA helps students rise to the global challenges of an interconnected business world. The newly reimagined Notre Dame Global EMBA is tailored to the needs of working professionals and offered through a 22-month program that meets once a month in-person at The Univ...
South Bend, United States of America
巴菲特给Notre Dame大学MBA的课程1991 $伯克希尔-哈撒韦B(BRK.B)$ 华尔街是唯一一个坐劳斯莱斯的人向地铁上班族寻求建议的地方。 我想和你谈谈我认为投资和职业生涯中最重要的事情。你接受的训练会导致你的职业生涯有很大的不同。因为通常情况下,当人们从商学院毕业时,学过的东西里面并没有充分考虑他们将要接受...
Notre Dame, IN 46556 Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA inMarketing The Sector of Western Marketing Nowadays, the companies have to sell their products and offers in a high competitive and dynamic world. The new technologies and the amount of data available owe...
专业简介 Your journey starts in the heart of the Notre Dame campus, where personalized leadership development and experiential learning are at your fingertips. During your time in the Notre Dame MBA, you can focus your studies in one of nine different majors, five of which are STEM-designated....
活动1 圣母大学商学院项目(MBA/MSA/MSM/MSBA)专场介绍 时间:8月23日晚7-8点 地点:北京朝阳区...
运气不错,昨晚收到了notre dame的offer。本来以为被拒了,因为发现gmatclub上面有人27号就开始报offer...
Global Executive MBA 2 years savesave GMAT Accepted Executive Assessment Accepted MBA, Two-Year, Full-Time 2 years savesave GMAT Accepted Master of Science in Management Less than 2 years savesave GMAT Accepted MS in Accountancy Less than 2 years ...