在线看Notre Dame de Paris (20th Anniversary) - Milano,.. 4分钟 39秒。2022 9月 15的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 23 — 已浏览。 1 — 已评价。
【Matteo Setti】大教堂时代——音乐剧巴黎圣母院(Notre Dame de Paris)意大利语共计2条视频,包括:Rainbow Magicland - 12.06.16、Matteo Setti(Matterello, Rubiera 28-10-2012等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】常见法语发音错误-外教直播课French Pronunciation common mistakes 01:09:52 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】提高法语词汇量,多种表达,别只会说TRÈS-Stop Saying TRÈS 06:44 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】巴黎最受欢迎的博物馆是...Favorite Museums of Paris 09:14 【YouTube搬...
38 Notre Dame de Paris ; Les sans-papiers (HD) 8 人观看 3:00 Notre Dame de Paris Lune 1 人观看 2:01 Notre Dame De Paris.Этобриллианты(Ces diamants la) 1 人观看 3:12 Notre Dame de Paris Le Temps des Cathédrales 1 人观看 5:00 Notre Dame de Paris - Belle HD...
哪怕仅仅是在YouTube上看过这出音乐剧或在CD上听过选段的朋友都感叹:美国太封闭了!不上 演这部音乐剧的原版,真是美国人的巨大损失。把语言隔阂作为借口实在说不通。这部音乐剧有全部的英语译文,而且在英国连续演出过十七个月,也算是很成功 了。更有效的做法也许是用法语演出,打英文字幕,像很多大歌剧那样。我看...
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Notre Dame de Paris There are always things lacking in our world, and many have noted what was lacking in Paris on Dec 7. But what did I see this afternoon from Paris? I saw the Mother of God honored, her temple in the far off land of the Franks rebuilt by the Republic that once...
Notre-Dame holds first mass since Paris cathedral reopened after 2019 fire Paris It was absolutely amazing," she said, "it's hard to find the words to describe how it felt seeing it all lit up, and hear the music. I loved it." ...
Ahead of the officialreopening of Notre Dame de Paris, scheduled for December 8, aseries of exhibitionsare happening worldwide, aiming to use immersive technologies and augmented reality to bring to a wider audience both the restoration efforts and the wider story of the beloved monument. The eve...
Notre-Dame de Paris, theFrenchcapital’s massive and ornate cathedral, reopens this weekend restored, 5½ years after it caught fire on April 15th, 2019. Not everyone can afford the time and expense to see the Parisian monument for themselves. But a cheaper, simpler way ...