美国圣母男子预备高中Notre Dame College Prep - 学校概况 建校时间1954 学校类型男子学校 校园面积28英亩 住宿方式住宿家庭 年级设置9年级 - 11年级 在校学生830 中国学生数11 师生比例1:18 AP课程12 荣誉课程0 蓝丝带学校否 春季名额无(2013年度) 秋季名称有(2013年度) 是否面试是 SAT...
program u.s. residents international application fee n/a acceptance rate n/a programs and specialties : accounting best business schools accounting best business schools see all mendoza college of business data » unlock more with grad compass » notre dame law school enrollment (full-time...
education health add to list notre dame of maryland university graduate programs notre dame of maryland university is one of more than 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed by u.s. news on an annual basis. notre dame of maryland university confers degrees through various schools, such...
学校已经有四届Chicago Campus的MSBA和 Notre Dame campus的MBAn/MSBA Dual Degree的优质经验了。综上来...
圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)作为美国精英大学中的贵族典范,2021U.S.NEWS排名第19名,本科...
Athol Murray College of Notre Dame 加拿大-圣母学院 私立合校,传统寄宿,大学预备,天主教 49 Main St, Wilcox, SK S0G 5E0 www.notredame.ca 学校亮点 【地理位置】学校位于萨省威尔考克斯市,距州府里贾纳50英里,从温哥华或多伦多转机方便 【特色项目】冰球、篮球发展项目、电子竞技项目、户外教育、大学城游项目...
Athol Murray College of Notre Dame 加拿大-圣母学院 私立合校,传统寄宿,大学预备,天主教 49 Main St, Wilcox, SK S0G 5E0 www.notredame.ca 学校亮点 【地理位置】学校位于萨省威尔考克斯市,距州府里贾纳50英里,从温哥华或多伦多转机方便 【特色项目】冰球、篮球发展项目、电子竞技项目、户外教育、大学城游项目...
Focuses on Notre Dame College in New Hampshire which was honored as the 1992 `Business of the Year' in the education/nonprofit category. Its efforts in making a difference through its `Year of Living Service' program; Participation of the col...
University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana 排名录取率29% 学校性质Private全部学生数12760 TOEFL分数要求100每年总费用39412 SAT平均分1415报名截止日31-DEC 在线申请 收藏院校 比较 查找类似学校 感兴趣 已收藏 2 Boston University Boston, Massachusetts ...
Notre Dame is a private, Catholic graduate school in Baltimore, Maryland. It has a mid-size graduate student body with an enrollment of 1,535 graduate students. Of the 11 graduate programs offered at Notre Dame of Maryland University, 2 are offered online or through graduate distance education...