In which of the following a notochord is absent AAdult tunicate BAmphioxus CMyxine DLarval tunicateSubmit In which of the following animal the notochord is replaced by bony vertebral column in the adult ? AAscidia BBranchiostoma CPetromyzon DLabeoSubmit Notochord is present in AAll chordates B...
Define notochord. notochord synonyms, notochord pronunciation, notochord translation, English dictionary definition of notochord. n. A flexible rodlike structure that is present in the embryos of all chordates and in the adult forms of certain groups, su
(b) In tunicates ,notochord is present only in the larval tail . View Solution Notochord occurs in the embryonic stage in View Solution In which subphylum notochord is present only in larval tail? View Solution Notochord grows from View Solution ...
The present study describes a culture system for ex- amining myogenesis in single somites. This culture sys- tem was used to: (1) examine somite myogenic cell com- mitment (defined operationally as the ability of somites to give rise to myosin heavy chain (MHC)-positive cells in this cult...
A notochord is often described as a primitive backbone. It is a rigid, cartilaginous rod that is present at some stage of development in all chordates.
The notochord cell of the cephalochordate amphioxus adult is unique due to the occurrence of myofilaments in the cytoplasm. The present EST (expressed sequence tag) analysis targeted mRNAs of the amphioxus notochord to determine genes that are expressed there. Notochord cells were isolated from Br...
In the deduced amino acid sequence, 1152 in length, similarity to the hyaluronan-binding (link) domains of brevicans from other species were present in the N-terminal region as well as EGF-, lectin- and complement regulatory protein-like domains in the C-terminal part, the latter three ...
Maternal and is present in small oocytes but transcript levels later decline, suggesting a role in early . In the tailed species, and first appear in the presumptive mesenchyme and muscle cells during , subsequently accumulate in the presumptive notochord cells, and can be detected in these ...
Select the correct answer. Which of the following is not one of the four chordate characteristics present in all chordates at some point during their development? a. Mammary glands b. Postanal tail c. Dorsal tubular ...
(v) notochord is an endodermally derived structure. (vi) all vertebrates are chordates. (vii) all chordates are vertebrates (viii) Polyps produce medusae asexually and medusae form the polyps sexually. (ix) Hooks and suckers are present in non parasitic flatworms ...