athe notional value of an options contract is the amount of foreign exchange that can be purchased or sold when the holder exercises the option. 任选项合约的概念上的价值是可以被购买或被卖的相当数量外汇,当持有人行使选择时。[translate]
求翻译:the notional value of an options contract is the amount of foreign exchange that can be purchased or sold when the holder exercises the option.是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 the notional value of an options contract is the amount of foreign exchange that can be purchased...
Notional value in anoptionrefers to the value that the option controls. For example, ABC trades for $20 with a particular ABC call option costing $1.50. One equity option controls 100 underlying shares. A trader purchases the option for $1.50 × 100 = $150. The notional value of the opti...
Notional value is the basis used for payments in currency markets and is used in forward contracts on securities and commodities, as well as option trading. It is also a common way of comparing investment options. Calculation of the notional value involves determining the number of units covered ...
By calculating notional value, you can see what actions you need to take to understand and plan for the risks of trading futures. It may take a small amount of money to buy an option contract thanks to leverage—but movements in the underlying asset price can lead to a large swing in yo...
Notional value is a key metric in the derivatives markets, representing the total exposure/value of a derivative position, such as an option or future. For investors and traders, the notional value illuminates the scale/size of a position, detailing the amount of the underlying asset that the ...
How might you explain the concept of risk vs. return trade-off dur Explain the concepts of a cheapest-to-deliver bond and conversion factor, in relation to the bond futures traded on the NSE. Derive an approximation to the risk-neutral price ...
Notional Investmentmeans any fund or portfolio maintained byany open-end investment company registered underthe Investment Company Act of 1940and offeredby the Companyas anoption toParticipants to indexnotional earningsina Participant’s Account. ...
This article has three goals: (1) to provide a brief history of pension policy in China, (2) to describe the NDC model, and (3) to assess the relative merits of the NDC alternative as a possible option for China. 展开 关键词: Social security reform China notional accounts ...
In finance, a derivative is a security whose value is derived from, or dependent upon, the value of another security. Commonly traded derivatives include: Option contracts. An option gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying security at a specific price...