between fixed contract rates and floating-rate interest amounts calculated by reference to the agreednotional amounts. 根據利率互換,本集團與其他訂約方協定於每 個指定時期進行轉換,定息合約利率與浮息利息金額的差額乃參考協定名義金額計算。
Notional principal amount Notional Principal Amounts Notional principal contract Notional Principals Notional Recall Alert Center Notional Report notional requirements generator notional ship Notional value Notional Values notionalist Notionality notionally Notionate Notionist notions notions notions ▼Complete...
aUnder the contract, the company will build a 1,385-km single-track line for trains that will run at up to 120 km an hour 在之下合同,公司将建立1,385公里单线道的线为将运行在120公里1小时的火车[translate] a2 ETHYL HEXANOL 2乙基已醇[translate] ...
Related to notional:Notional amount,Notional Principal </>embed</> dinkum factual genuine fanciful unreal conceptual speculative imaginary theoretical notional adj Synonyms for notional Collins Roget's WordNet adjhypothetical Synonyms hypothetical ideal ...
Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)isacontractforanotionalloanor deposit for an agreed amount, a specific contract period and at an agreed contract rate. 透過 此合約,投資 者可為指定金額的貸款或存款鎖定一遠期利息 , 以為投資者在利率環境不利於己的情況下提供保障 , ...
The notional principal amount is the assumed principal amount of a financial contract on which the exchanged interest rates are based. It is a theoretical amount that never changes hands between the parties. The notional principal amount is used as the face value of a financial instrument when ca...
athe notional value of an options contract is the amount of foreign exchange that can be purchased or sold when the holder exercises the option. 任选项合约的概念上的价值是可以被购买或被卖的相当数量外汇,当持有人行使选择时。[translate]
Notional value is a term often used by derivatives traders to refer to the total value of the underlying asset in a contract. It can be the total value of a position, how much value a position controls, or an agreed-upon amount in a contract. Put simply, it is the face value that ...
Notional value is the amount a contract is worth at a given moment. It is used to help investors and traders assess risk and manage their positions. The Bottom Line A future contract's notional value is it's contract size multiplied by it's current price. It indicates the value of the ...
Definition:USD Notional Amount Contract Type Jurisdiction Country Include Keywords Exclude Keywords Additional filters are available in search Open Search USD Notional Amountisdefined in Section5.2(b). Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3 USD Notional Amounthas the meaning assigned to such term in Section 5.01(q...