4、win电脑,可以在桌面右键,打开文件所在位置进行查看,下图为:Windows电脑Notion截图 5、然后根据下图...
1. 为了更好的使用page2,要善用表格右上角「···」中的「Sort」功能,可根据不同维度进行排序。...
Read:Best Notion widgets you can install to increase your productivity What can integrate with Notion? There are a lot of apps that you can integrate with Notion. Some of the best integrations are mentioned in the above list. You can check out this list and find the best apps you can use...
Best iPhone Lock Screen Widgets for iOS 17 Danny Maiorca Danny has been a professional writer since graduating from university in 2016, but he’s been writing online for over a decade. He has been intrigued by Apple products ever since getting an iPod Shuffle in 2008 and particularly enjoys ...
【一步搞定】这里我们仅以以Windows系统为例,来讲解一下notion客户端如何设置简体中文。macOS系统的汉化步骤同理,因此不再赘述。 1.首先,访问notion官网下载notion客户端,并确保您的电脑已经成功安装好了notion客户端; 2.鼠标右击桌面notion图标,打开文件所在位置(I),依次点击打开resources→app→renderer如下图所示 3...
flutter config --enable-windows-desktop # for macos flutter config --enable-macos-desktop # for linux flutter config --enable-linux-desktop 用vscode 或者其它 idea 打开 open appflowy/frontend 代码架构 技术选型 flutter: 多端适配 rust: ffi 平台接口、服务端 ...
It has robust task management (way better than Notion), calendar integration to view and manage your Gmail and Outlook events, and a dedicated Home view to glance over your pinned notes, scratch pad, events, tasks, and other widgets. The other goodies of Evernote remain the same as before...
# for windows flutter config --enable-windows-desktop # for macos flutter config --enable-macos-desktop # for linux flutter config --enable-linux-desktop 用vscode 或者其它 idea 打开 openappflowy/frontend image image 代码架构 技术选型 flutter: 多端适配 ...