1.打开“Templates”——“Reading list”——“Use this Template”。 Templates Reading list S2:自定义项目 自定义书单 1.增加行(列):点击“+”可以增加行(列)。 点击“+” 2.拖动:点击“⋮⋮”可以拖动行(列)或打开命令文件。 点击“⋮⋮” 3.自定义名称:点击名称后的“…”——在蓝框中修改名...
Notion reading list template Here's the link to myNotion book tracker template. Once you've opened the page, clickDuplicatein the upper-right corner to create your own copy and start customizing it to your preferences. Now I'll walk you through my custom Notion book list and show you how...
此模版包含一年四季的季目标,以及12个月的月目标,Empty Week Template为周计划的模版,把日计划可以放入此page。合理安排一年的计划并细化到季度,月份,使所有事情调理清晰。 2.Reading List 点击复制模版 读书列表主要存放我所看过的书 ,正在看的书,以及准备看的书。每个元组包含,Type(书的类型),Name(书名),State...
Notion 的 Reading List 模板 (图片于 2021 年 2 月 13 号截自 Notion.so) 再一次的,这个模板本身也是一个 Page ,裡面放了个 inline 的 table Database 。这个 Database 可以把你要读的东西全部列出来,你还可以记录进度和自己的评分。 跟Journal 模板裡面的Database 一样,这个 Database 也存有好几个不同...
灵感来自于 Notion 的模板 Reading List。但作为观影记录,只有简简单单的标题和内容实在平平无奇,不如...
姐妹!我想请问一下你有用template吗!如果有的话可以求一个嘛 momo Weekly是这个:https://notion-templates.notion.site/Weekly-To-do-list-2731005d3f2c4d59af95857605008540 Monthly的找不到了好像下架了 Travel和Reading List之类都是我自己建立的,就是用了一些组件组合了一下。姐妹可以随便找个templates复制粘贴...
Book lovers, this one is for you. Notion lets you track the number of books you have read over time. The Book Tracker is the perfect template to start your reading journey. It offers a list view with a book cover thumbnail. While adding a book, you can add images, categories, dates,...
Bookshelf & reading list Get The Super Life (Ultimate Life Planner) Template Student Essential Template Author:Bodoboal This template is made for you if you want to manage all your school life in a single dashboard. Share it with your classmates, empower yourself in the classroom and have mo...
The filter is set to only show to-do list items that are linked via relation to this template project. But when I create a new project from this template, the filter will automatically update to show tasks linked to the new project. Neat, right? 3. Use an "inbox" view for quick-addi...
When I first started using Notion, I used their simple reading list template (Notion has some amazingnative templates you can check out for free, which can be great for beginners). Since then, my reading list has advanced quite a bit, mostly thanks toMarie Poulinand my own tinkering. ...