创建一列0-100的数代表进度,点击列名打开菜单,然后点击Edit property设置属性 在Show as下方,选择Bar或Ring即可生成进度条。其中,Bar是生成条状进度条,Ring是环状进度条。 你可以通过Show number开关来决定是否在进度条旁边显示数字。 Bar是条状进度条,Ring是环状进度条 Notion进度条代模板和代码 什么?你说用个效率软...
首先,我们登陆indify.co这个网站,直接输入邮件就是注册了,在邮箱点击收到的链接即可完成注册。 其次,点击你想添加的widget,这里可选的widget有以下这些 这里以添加生命进度条为例,在Life Progress Bar这个widget上点击Create widget 把左边的Setting填一下,主要是你的出生日期,还有你想要以活到多少岁来计算,系统默认是...
无论是扩展 Notion 功能,提升协同斜率 (例如页面中插入 Google Calendar等,方便查看日程),又或者美化页面 (例如 life progress bar) ,Notion 使用体验变得更加丝滑和美妙。废话不说了,进入正文… 1️⃣ Notion Pet 优点: ⚡ 国内访问很快 (托管在国内并备案) 组件种类比较丰富,有本地化 (widget, icon, c...
On the right, there's a progress bar widget showing the current place in the year, month, week, and day—which helps visualize how much time you have left to complete this year's goals. Underneath that widget, you'll see a simple list view of the Tasks database, displaying any tasks...
Notion doesn’t support widgets natively. However, that hasn’t stopped third-party developers from creating fully functional widgets for your pages. You can head to sources likeIndifyorApptionto insert useful widgets like Weather, Clock, Pomodoro, Google Calendar, Counter, Life Progress Bar, and ...
Navigate toWidgetboxand glance over the list of widgets. Let’s selectLife Progresschart. ClickCreate. Customize the content of your life progress bar. You can adjust date of birth, set life expectancy, tweak background, font, life bar, and year bar color. Copy theURL. ...
<a className='hover:text-blue-400' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'href={`http://connect.qq.com/widget/shareqq/index.html?url=${shareUrl}&sharesource=qzone&title=${post.title}&desc=${post.summary}`} > <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faQq}/> </a> </div> <div className='cursor-pointer te...
widget?.showToTop) { return <></> } const { locale } = useGlobal() const [show, switchShow] = useState(false) const [percent, changePercent] = useState(0) const scrollListener = () => { const targetRef = document.getElementById('wrapper') const clientHeight = targetRef?.clientHeight...
这里以添加生命进度条为例,在Life Progress Bar这个widget上点击Create widget 把左边的Setting填一下,主要是你的出生日期,还有你想要以活到多少岁来计算,系统默认是活到80岁。全部选完后点击最下面生成的链接,复制即可。 然后,回到Notion,直接以嵌入的方式嵌入刚才复制的链接 ...