您可以通过在Add to菜单中单击+ New links database来创建一个新的数据库来保存您的网页。您可以在文本框中更改页面名称。 如果您想剪辑已经存在的页面或数据库,则可能不包含在默认列表中。您可以搜索它! 按下Save page或enter。 保存网页上的文章到Notion中 你将有选项Open in Notion,直接转到你刚保存的页面。
a proven method and can be helpful to college students. You can insert a date for the lecture, add a topic, and add keywords and relevant questions to the Recall column. On the right column, add notes that you take during the class. Go ahead, and give it a try using the link below...
Add details such as class location, professor, location, schedule, and more. Everything is connected with other databases in the template. Capture and Organize Everything in Notion This template is built for light mode but here’s how you can enable Notions dark mode. Download Link Notion High...
Many have exciting extra features, like Spotify playlists, displaying daily weather, or counting down to a specific date. Sure, you could create folders to organize all the parts of your life in Craft, too, but it wouldn't be as effective for informational storage and retrieval as Notion's...