The back end of StudyNotion uses a range of data models and database schemas to manage data, including: Student schema: Includes fields such as name, email, password, and course details for each student. Instructor schema: Includes fields such as name, email, password, and course details for...
无需绑定信用卡,只需用学校邮箱注册,即可开启你的完美笔记之旅。 Github Github是一个面向开源及私有软件项目的托管平台,学过编程的同学应该都有听过。你知道GitHub为学生提供了学生开发者包(GitHub Student Developer Pack)。用学校邮箱注册这个项目,就能免费使用几十个价值数百美元的软件开发工具、AWS和Digital Ocean...
User Edit Details: This page will allow the student to edit their account details. For Instructors: Dashboard: This page will have an overview of the instructor's courses, as well as the ratings and feedback for each course. Insights: This page will have detailed insights into the instructor...
4 简历模板 在Notion上有几十个简历模板,但这个数据分析师作品集模板引起了我们的注意。你可以附加你的简历、LinkedIn页面、GitHub项目、你的作品集工作、列出你的技能、你曾合作过的公司以及联系方式。一旦简历准备好了,点击顶部的“分享”按钮生成可分享的链接或将其发布到网络上。3 书签管理器 您可以使用书签管理...
# git clone 地址为: # 因此 repository-name 为: FizzerYu/ 7.3. 注意 步骤2 中创建的仓库默认分支名是否与 BRANCH 参数一致 7.4. 按照要求修改完成后保存:8. 按照下图要求依次点击:9...
• Connect tools like Figma, Slack, and GitHub to Notion. FREE FOR STUDENTS • Your study planner, class notes, to-dos and more, your way. Loved by millions of students worldwide. • Get organized for your best school year yet with beautiful, customizable templates created by students...
(1) Auther列选择relation类型,关联至上一步新增的Auther空白页。(2) Score列选择select类型,依次...
共享功能可以直接共享你写的notion页面,使其成为一个网页,你可以管理权限,编辑、comments or duplicate。本人自从用了Notion之后已经不用ppt跟老师开会了,share screen的时候直接Notion 界面,show 一些detail时候可以直接给老师甩网址。图右是Notion的export功能,可以直接导出成为pdf,html,and markdown,很好用。
Github Github是一个面向开源及私有软件项目的托管平台,学过编程的同学应该都有听过。你知道GitHub为学生提供了学生开发者包(GitHub Student Developer Pack)。用学校邮箱注册这个项目,就能免费使用几十个价值数百美元的软件开发工具、AWS和Digital Ocean等服务。
• Connect tools like Figma, Slack, and GitHub to Notion. FREE FOR STUDENTS • Your study planner, class notes, to-dos and more, your way. Loved by millions of students worldwide. • Get organized for your best school year yet with beautiful, customizable templates created by students...