Usage: $ notion-enhancer [options] Commands: apply : add enhancements to the notion app remove : return notion to its pre-enhanced/pre-modded state check : check the current state of the notion app For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag: $ notion-enhancer apply --help...
@kerningium that's not the right command to uninstall the enhancer: npm i will always install, npm remove will uninstall. -g is the option for a global install rather than just within the folder. try npm remove -g notion-enhancer I am working on this bug but have been busy with a bu...
I logged in and it's working now. github-actions bot mentioned this issue Dec 6, 2021 [sql error] infinite loading #65 Closed Member dragonwocky commented Dec 6, 2021 if you scroll to the top of the console errors, does it show anything other than just the ws:// error? e.g....