然后,添加一个新属性,并从 Property Type(属性类型) 菜单中选择 Formula。将它命名为“剩余天数”。在表格中,点击公式列中的任意单元格,打开编辑公式窗口。在文本框中,输入 date 检索出与日期相关的命令。dateBetween() 看起来有用 —— 它会以我们需要的时间单位返回两个日期之间的时间。根据此函数的介绍,...
然后添加一个新的属性,从Property Type 属性类型菜单中选择Formula 公式。给它命名为剩余天数。 点击剩余天数下的单元格,就会弹出公式窗口。 在提供的文本框中,输入date,以调出与日期有关的命令。dateBetween()会返回两个日期之间的时间。 根据这个函数的说明,你需要给它两个日期和一些文本:截止日期,现在的日期,以及...
Date Notion 中的一种块类型,用于表示日期和时间 Created Time Notion 中的一个属性,用于表示页面或数据库的创建时间 Last Edited Time Notion 中的一个属性,用于表示页面或数据库的最后修改时间 Formula Notion 中的一种块类型,用于表示计算结果 Relation Notion 中的一个属性,用于建立两个数据库之间的关系 Rollup...
然后添加一个新的属性,从Property Type 属性类型菜单中选择Formula 公式。给它命名为剩余天数。 点击剩余天数下的单元格,就会弹出公式窗口。 在提供的文本框中,输入date,以调出与日期有关的命令。dateBetween()看起来很有帮助 ,它会返回两个日期之间的时间。 根据这个函数的说明,你需要给它两个日期和一些文本:你的...
如果你每项计划都填充了 Remind,那么到期以及逾期后它都会变成红色来提醒你,同时在 All Updates 内也会有通知,但是没这个习惯怎么办?可以用 Formula,把代码复制粘贴,这样逾期的时候就会有一把火告诉你火烧眉头啦。 if(dateBetween(end(prop("计划 Upcoming")),now(),"days") <0,"🔥"," ") ...
It upgraded its formula system so you can code simple expressions to add logic to database fields. For example, you can calculate how many days until the task is due and automatically set whether it's on track or expected to be overdue. It added automation features in databases, where you...
For Notion to give me the “Today, Tomorrow, etc” wording,I used a formula property with an if/then functionthat I call “Timing”. You can copy it below if you need it! Basically, this formula spits out different text based on how the due date compares to today. ...
“But what about checking a “Done” checkbox? Can’t I create a formula that will set the new due date once I’ve checked off the task?” I’ve gotten this questiona lot,and it’s also something I’d like to be able to do myself – but unfortunately,it’s not possible at this...
TL;DR:you can reference a formula property up to 15 times in a chain. Prior to September 2024, this number was 7. September’s update increased the limit as well as improving the error messaging if you might exceed that limit. Notion has a hard-coded limitation on the number of times ...
Note that if you change any of the properties mentioned in the formula (for example, maybe you prefer "Date" instead of "Due date," or a lowercase "weekly" instead of title-case "Weekly"), you'll need to edit the formula to match. That's it! Your Notion database can have as ma...