桌面应用程序方式 获取桌面应用程序,请访问 www.notion.so/desktop页面,点击 Download for Windows(下载 windows 版) 。打开 .exe 文件,并按照提示进行安装。打开 Notion 桌面应用程序,使用电子邮件进行登录。注意:你需要安装最新版本的 Windows 来运行 Notion 桌面应用程序。最新的版本为 Windows 10 build 18362...
电脑版官方下载入口: https://www.notion.so/desktop 根据你的设备系统选择相应的版本: 如果你是Windows系统,请点击Download for Windows 如果你是MacOS系统,请点击Download for Mac 下载Notion桌面应用程序 Windows安装图文教程 下载完成后点击文件(Notion Setup)进行安装; Notion正在安装 安装完成后,会看到Notion的登...
一、下载Notion1. 官网下载https://www.notion.so/desktopNotion Desktop App for Mac & Windows | Notionhttps://www.notion.so/desktop2. 百度云盘下载https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eZxuDBTqSeB55pZoSP6TAw?pwd…
2、下载电脑软件应用: https://www./desktop 下载完成后,安装到电脑中,界面如下: 3、下载汉化js插件 地址:https://github.com/Reamd7/notion-zh_CN 点击更新的标签,下载【notion-zh_CN.js 】文件 软件安装后,登录自己注册好的账号,如果没有账号,回到第一步进行注册:Notion提供了谷歌账号登录、Apple账号登录及...
Switch up how your list is ordered with drag-and-drop on desktop or browser.通过在桌面或浏览器上拖放来切换列表的排序方式。 For items, hover, then click and hold the ⋮⋮ icon on the left to drag it up or down.对于项目,将鼠标悬停,然后单击并按住左侧的 ⋮⋮ 图标将其向上或向下拖动...
M1芯片Mac版本Parallels desktop安装Windows 11详细教程最新下载 #M1 #Mac 00:00 / 10:59 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞92 苹果小铺3周前AutoCAD 2025 For Mac三维设计软件下载 苹果电脑上AutoCAD 2025 | 中文正版 | 正版激活-永久使用#cad2025 #cad2025安装教程 #cad2025下载 #cad2025mac版 #cad2025安装 00:00...
Best Notion alternative for mind mapping Scrintal (Web, Desktop) Scrintal pros: Smooth and easy to use Good card organization and hierarchy features Scrintal cons: Not much power beyond mind mapping Notion and Miro crashed into one another: the result is a powerful app called Scrintal. If yo...
Notion for Linux Native Notion packages for Linux, built from Notion's Windows installer. To install Notion with Notion Enhancer mods applied, replace notion-desktop with notion-enhanced in the commands provided. notion-desktop is the vanilla Notion package. notion-enhanced is the Notion package wit...
First of all, the Calendar views on mobile is really unfriendly. It will be very helpful to view it as desktop or Pads just like your adjustment on 1.7.18 Second ,there has no any buttons like go prev page isn’t much friendly. Thanks for noticing, Very expected for your next update....