To sync content across pages, simply copy one or multiple blocks from one page, paste in anothe...
My personal go-to option is to simplycopythe entire page and paste it anywhere you want in the other workspace. Your page first needs to be inside another page, as this option isn’t available for top-level pages. Click the block menu icon to the left of the page block, or click and...
Create a new page in your workspace. 在您的工作区中创建一个新页面。 Under theDatabaseheading, click onTablein the grayscale menu provided. 在Database标题下,单击提供的灰度菜单中的Table。 In-line table 在线表格 If you want to create a table inside another page: 如果你想在另一个页面中创建...
Duplicate:Makes an exact copy of the page in your workspace. Duplicate:在您的工作区中制作页面的精确副本。 Move to:Lets you choose another workspace or page to put the page inside. Move to:让您选择另一个工作区或页面以将页面放入其中。 This menu also shows who edited the page last and when...
Create a new page in your workspace.在您的工作区中创建一个新页面。 Click on List in the grayscale menu provided.单击提供的灰度菜单中的 List。 In-line list 内联列表 If you want to create a list inside another page:如果您想在另一个页面内创建列表: On a new line, type /List view and ...
“Move” is in quotes here, because moving to another workspace is actually a duplication operation. Notion recently added this note about the limits to moving pages: Good luck! This is something you probably want to consider as you build large templates and systems. You may have to move the...
There is also a web browser extension that is called Web Clipper. This extension allows users to copy any web page for use in the Notion system. Notion pages work with blocks. Blocks are sections on a Notion page: a text box, an image, a database, a wiki, or another section on the...
Or you might update to-do lists in Notion with information from another project management app. How to connect Zapier to your Notion workspace Check your Notion account permissions Before you try to connect Zapier to your Notion account, make sure you're a workspace owner in your workspace. ...
Then, when the original page is too crowded, you create your first database and the possibilities explode: you can create a custom productivity system and change it as you evolve. Turn your Notion workspace into an information hub Automate Notion It's amazing to look at something you built ...
Another major factor for perf comes from images hosted by Notion. They're generally unoptimized, improperly sized, and not cacheable because Notion has to deal with fine-grained access control that users can change at any time. You can override the defaultmapImageUrlfunction onNotionRendererto ad...