首先我们打开一个新的workspace,之后创建一个页面,单击+或者在左下角处选择New page都可以。 添加标题、icon和封面后,在Database处选择table Notion默认的Database会有三个属性: Name,每一个page的标题,打开后就进入了每一个page文档了。 Tags,可以自定义你想要的任何的标签。 files,插入媒体的信息。 这些文档的...
Tap on your current workspace's name to switch between the workspaces you belong to, create a new one, join another one, or log out. 点击您当前工作区的名称可在您所属的工作区之间切换、创建新工作区、加入另一个工作区或注销。 2.Teamspace pages You'll see a section calledTeamspaces. Teamspa...
通过转至 Properties 并使用左侧 ⋮⋮ 图标作为手柄向上或向下拖动列出的属性,重新排序属性的显示方式。 Change grouping 更改分组 You can group your items by different properties on your list to visualize them in different ways.您可以按列表中的不同属性对项目进行分组,以便以不同的方式可视化它们。 Click...
Part 1:Create a list 创建一个列表 There are several ways to add a list to your workspace:有多种方法可以将列表添加到工作区: Full-page list 整页列表 Create a new page in your workspace.在您的工作区中创建一个新页面。 Click on List in the grayscale menu provided.单击提供的灰度菜单中的 L...
workspace_name: string workspace_icon: string workspace_id: string owner: { type: string user: { object: string id: string name: string avatar_url: string type: string person: { email: string } } } duplicated_template_id: string | null request_id: string } export interface NotionTokenRes...
General: This lets you change the teamspace name, icon, and description. Members: This lets you add and remove members, and manage how they interact with the pages in your teamspace (can view, can comment, or full access). Security: This lets you limit who can invite other members and...
They're generally unoptimized, improperly sized, and not cacheable because Notion has to deal with fine-grained access control that users can change at any time. You can override the default mapImageUrl function on NotionRenderer to add caching via a CDN like Cloudflare Workers, which is what...
Then, when the original page is too crowded, you create your first database and the possibilities explode: you can create a custom productivity system and change it as you evolve. Turn your Notion workspace into an information hub Automate Notion It's amazing to look at something you built ...
Pick the most important part of your life to organize, set up that page first, then slowly craft the rest of your workspace. Your dream setup is just around the corner. And if you need some help along the way, any purchase ofmy premium Notion templatesorNotion Anatomy classautomatically ea...
Create a new automation and give it a name, such as Process Recurring Tasks.Under the title, change the automation so it only triggers in the Recurring Tasks view you created. If you don’t do this, your automation will trigger even on one-time tasks!