然后把Show calendar as选项改为按Week显示即可 用好to-do list需要坚持 到这里,我们的模板就搭建完成了。我把上面搭建好的模板,通过Notion分享功能生成了下面这个链接,需要的同学可以前往免费下载: 我知道网上肯定还有很多其他各种各样的Notion to-do list模板,功能比我的多,外观比我的炫酷。但如果你和我一样是一...
Notion下的Todo List不满足我的实际需求,在日常的生活工作场景中我主要有这样几个要求:有多个项目并行...
就是因为3月总结发布之后被cue到,所有也想说好好规划下,而今天下午(也就是写文的此刻)是原本的计划安排有变临时多出来的时间,如果不是写文,可能久刷剧过去了;这个部分,其实就是把 todolist 塞进可以折叠的小标题下,具体使用拖拽就可以实现
Press cmd/ctrl + click to open a link as a new Notion tab (desktop apps only).按cmd/ctrl + click 打开链接作为新的Notion选项卡(仅限桌面应用程序)。 Press cmd/ctrl + t to create a new Notion tab (desktop apps only).按cmd/ctrl + t 创建一个新的Notion选项卡(仅限桌面应用程序)。 Press...
创建 Notion 页面树:在 Notion 中创建一个树状结构来组织你的信息。你可以为每个主题或类型的信息创建...
错误描述 org.apache.shiro.UnavailableSecurityManagerException: No SecurityManager accessible to the calling code, either bound to the org.apache.shiro.util.ThreadContext or as a vm static singleton. 我在做一个... linux下的虚拟机管理 1.图形模式安装虚拟机 安装前需要下载镜像,在真机中进入超级用户模式...
It includes a Pomodoro timer, pages for each subject, a to-do list, flip clock and more. Download Link Notion Student Pack Author:Easlo All the tools, templates and dashboards you need as a student. Everything organised and integrated into one comprehensive student dashboard. ...
Add tasks from Google Tasks to your To-Do List on Notion byitsmok 66 Raindrop To Notion byaryantechie 55 Evernote to Notion bymanjunathanand 41 New Pocket favorite? Save as quick note in Notion bybartvanpoll 37 Incoming Emails to Notion Page ...
The mapping of Notion ID to slugified page titles is done automatically as part of the build process. Just keep in mind that if you plan on changing page titles over time, you probably want to make sure old links will still work, and we don't currently provide a solution for detecting...
The same goes for to-do lists. Just type “/todo” and select theTo-do listentry from the drop-down menu. You can do this for bulleted lists, numbered lists, links to pages, and many other functions. You’re encouraged to experiment with different commands as soon as you get started ...