notify_on_release:0或1,表示是否在cgroup中最后一个任务退出时通知运行release agent,默认情况下是0,表示不运行,看下官方对notify_on_release的解释 If the notify_on_release flag is enabled (1) in a cgroup, then whenever the last task in the cgroup leaves (exits or attaches to some other cgroup)...
notify_on_release:0或1,表示是否在cgroup中最后一个任务退出时通知运行release agent,默认情况下是0,表示不运行,看下官方对notify_on_release的解释 If the notify_on_release flag is enabled (1) in a cgroup, then whenever the last task in the cgroup leaves (exits or attaches to some other cgroup)...
notify_on_release:0或1,表示是否在cgroup中最后一个任务退出时通知运行release agent,默认情况下是0,表示不运行,看下官方对notify_on_release的解释 If the notify_on_release flag is enabled (1) in a cgroup, then whenever the last task in the cgroup leaves (exits or attaches to some other cgroup)...
第二步就需要我们设置notify_on_release文件内容为1,设置release_agent文件的对应路径为宿主机的可写目录upperdir 代码语言:javascript 复制 echo1>/tmp/test/x/notify_on_release host_path=`sed -n 's/.*\perdir=\([^,]*\).*/\1/p' /etc/mtab`echo"$host_path/cmd">/tmp/test/release_agent 其中...
The pypi_release.yml workflow is failing to send a message to Slack with a 403 status code. We should fix that so the message is correctly sent. Example failure 👇