notification_add($arr['uid'], 'system', $author.'发表了:'.$bt, array('from_id' => 0, 'from_idtype' => 'sendnotice'), 1); } } 实现效果:群组内任意一成员在群组里面发帖子,群组所有成员就会收到系统提醒,并且提示有系统提醒。 author:超越 有问题请加群...
Call this function to add a notification to the tray. Notification processing is done asynchronously; that is, this function will return after adding the notification to the tray, and processing will happen on a different thread.Requirements
Notification.AddAction(Caption: Text, CodeunitID: Integer, MethodName: Text) Parameters Notification Type: Notification An instance of the Notification data type. Caption Type: Text The text string that appears as the caption of the action ...
= [function(){ tickerSymbol.setValue('MSFT'); myControl.clearNotification('my_unique_id'); }]; myControl.addNotification({messages: ['Set Ticker Symbol'],notificationLevel:'RECOMMENDATION',uniqueId:'my_unique_id',actions: [actionCollection] }); }elseconsole.log("Notification not ...
notificationAddARouter-demo 介绍 对应博客notificationAddARouter-demo 介绍andriod通知栏消息notification+ARouter的简易集成demo对应博客 1 Fork 1 捐赠 0 人次 简介 andriod通知栏消息notification+ARouter的简易集成demo 暂无标签 Android Apache-2.0 发行版 ...
C#启动process子进程 无弹窗 ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("ffmpeg", "-f image2...
Package: Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs v4.1.0 Add or updates a header with a given key and value. C# Copy protected void AddOrUpdateHeader (string key, string value); Parameters key String The header key. value String The value of the header. Applies to उत्पादस...
This is about an email notification on 2 steps with additional information task. 1) Email from controller to firefighter user 2) Email from Firefighter user to controller My controller wants to get information on the usage of the Firefighter Id from the Firefighter user. Hence controller ...
add notification receiver命令用于为告警邮件、事件邮件、告警短消息、事件短消息添加接收方。当需要添加新的告警、事件接收邮件地址或手机号码时,使用此命令。 命令格式 add notification receiver [ alarm_level=? ] { email_receiver_list=? | message_receiver_list=? | event_email_receiver_list=? | event_me...
The add notification receiver command is used to add email addresses or phone numbers used to receive alarm or event notifications. Format add notification receiver [ alarm_level=? ] { email_receiver_list=? | message_receiver_list=? | event_email_receiver_list=? | event_message_receiver_list...