Acceptance Notification. : means thewritten notificationsubstantially in the form as attached inAnnex Atothis Planwherebythe Beneficiarynotifies the Company of his/her full or partial acceptance ofthe LTIPGrant,in accordance withthe provisionsset outin this Plan; “Affiliated Entity” : means,in rela...
Termination Warning Noticemeans a notice sent by the Secretary of State to the Academy Trust, stating his intention to terminate this Agreement. Rejection Noticehas the meaning specified in Section 2.05(b)(v). Termination Noticemeans the communication issued in accordance with this Agreement by one...
6. Issue of Credit Cards(a) Customer Acquisition:i. Card-issuers shall provide a one-page Key Fact Statement along with the credit card application containing the important aspects of the card such as rate of interest, quantum of charges, among others. In case of rejection of ...