迁移到Android Studio 添加Gif效果支持 添加爆炸效果Gif (3/n) 重构代码结构 提交Jcenter 待处理特效 AE渲染, 导出序列帧, 再用PS制作Gif, 过程比较繁琐.没有找到方便的处理脚本 / 工具 / 方法的话,不会制作太多特效, 挑一些有特点的做一下. Gif对Alpha支持非常差,渲染出的半透明光晕要么效果几乎没有,要么就...
[ -1 ], "chronometerDirection": "up", "asForegroundService": false, "ongoing": true, "smallIcon": "ic_small_notification", "showTimestamp": false, "badgeIconType": 2, "onlyAlertOnce": false, "actions": [ { "pressAction": { "id": "sg_alarm_dismiss" }, "title": "Dismiss" ...
Badge: Badge is the ability to display a badge alert over the app icon to alert the user about updates. The badges can be displayed on numbers or small dots, depending of platform or what the user defined in the device settings. Both Android and iOS can show numbers on badge, depending...
1、Android O(8.0)通知的改变 NotificationChannel是android8.0新增的特性,如果App的targetSDKVersion>=26,没有设置channel通知渠道的话,就会导致通知无法展示。 Android O 引入了 通知渠道(Notification Channels),以提供统一的系统来帮助用户管理通知,如果是针对 android O 为目标平台时,必须实现一个或者多个通知渠道,以...
badge]) { (granted, error) in // 处理授权结果 } 检查通知内容设置:确保通知的内容(标题、副标题、正文等)已经正确设置。可以通过以下代码创建通知内容: 代码语言:swift 复制 let content = UNMutableNotificationContent() content.title = "通知标题" content.subtitle = "通知副标题" content.body = "通知...
{ public const string Android = "{ \"message\" : { \"data\" : {\"message\" : \"$(alertMessage)\", \"action\" : \"$(alertAction)\"} } }"; public const string iOS = "{ \"aps\" : {\"content-available\" : 1, \"apns-priority\": 5, \"sound\" : \"\", \"badge\...
, "aps": { "alert":"EMS Push Notification message for iOS", "badge":10, "sound":"pingpong.aiff" } , "gcm": { "message":"EMS Push Notification message for Android", "title":"EMS Push Notification for Android" } } Channels The Channels dialog box allows you to select one or ...
[Foundation.Advice("'NSUserNotification' usages should be replaced with 'UserNotifications' framework.")] [Foundation.Register("NSUserNotificationCenter", true)] [ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 8, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)] public class NSUserNotificat...
The Chat Notification Badge That Won't Die I know there's another thread on this, but literally none of those solutions worked, so I'm a starting a new thread. My chat notification won't go away. All of my chats are read. Here's everythin......
ignoreIOSBadge = false; offlinePushInfo.iOSSound = "phone_ringing.mp3"; offlinePushInfo.androidSound = "phone_ringing"; offlinePushInfo.androidOPPOChannelID = "Flutter TUICallKit"; offlinePushInfo.androidVIVOClassification = 1; offlinePushInfo.androidFCMChannelID = "fcm_push_channel"; offlinePush...