Gilbert + Tobin's Fai explained that if an organisation is found to have hidden an eligible data breach, or is otherwise found to have failed to report an eligible data breach, such failure will be considered an interference with the privacy of an individual affected by the eligible data ...
The Provider must cooperate with any investigation undertaken by the Department concerning any Notifiable Incident, or breach or alleged breach of the WHS Laws, arising out of or in respect of the Services. The Service Provider must notify the State Party of the occurrence of a Notifiable Incident...
During the January to June 2021 reporting period, a number of entities assessed that a ransomware attack did not constitute an ‘eligible data breach’ due to a ‘lack of evidence’ that access to or exfiltration of data had occurred. The OAIC has made it clear in this report that entities...
Privacy Incidentmeans violation of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes chapter 13); violation of federal data disclosure or privacy requirements in federal laws, rules and regulations; and/or breach of a contractual obligation to protect State data. This includes, but is ...