Notice Writing Class 11 English CBSE Format Example QuestionsWHAT IS A NOTICE? A notice is a written or printed news announcement or information. A notice may contain news/information about something that has happened or is likely to happen. It may be a formal announcement of public importance ...
We may ask you to provide information about yourself when you use the Digital Services. For example, to subscribe to one of our newsletters or news alerts, you will need to give us an email address. You may not be able to use certain features if you choose not to submit the requested ...
EXAMPLE2 EnglishTeaching&ResearchGroupNOTICE TherewillbeanEnglishlectureonthedifferencesbetweenAmericanEnglishandBritishEnglishbyafamousEnglishprofessor,Mr.Alexander,theauthorofFollowMeandNewConceptEnglishwhicharewellknowntousall.ItwillbegivenintheLectureHallfrom7:00to9:00onSaturdayevening,September23.Thosewhoare...
and that country or territory has not been recognised as providing an adequate level of data protection, we will put in place additional safeguards to protect your personal data, as required by applicable law. For example, if you are in the EEA, standard contractual clauses would be used if...
provide you with additional services or functionalities (for example, to facilitate contactless rentals, to provide remote lock/unlock, to remote disable engine/cancel ignition, and to automatically receive the vehicle location, odometer, fuel level and other information in connection with your rental)...
Notice is also an important requirement in ending legal relationships. For example, a notice to quit is a written notification given either by the tenant to the landlord, or vice versa, indicating that either the tenant intends to surrender possession of the premises on a certain day or that ...
The illustration below shows an example of a wireless network installation that is connected to the Internet. As your network grows, additional wireless and wired computers can be connected to the network to access the Internet. For help in setting up your WLAN, see the information provided by ...
For example, to subscribe to one of our newsletters or news alerts, you will need to give us an email address. You may not be able to use certain features if you choose not to submit the requested information. The information you give us may include details such as: Contact information ...
Modifications to Policies and Procedures: BYD Motors Inc. will make reasonable modifications to policies and procedures to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy programs, services, and activities. For example, people with service animals are welcomed in BYD Motors Inc...
4.1.3 If you use our interactive features, we process the data required to use these features to allow you and manage their use, for example, your name and email-address to appear in a ranking and to send you updates regarding the online game in which you participated. 4.1.4 If you ar...