(redirected from Thirty-day notice)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Encyclopedia. no·tice (nō′tĭs) n. 1. The act of noting or observing; perception or attention: That detail escaped my notice. 2. Respectful attention or consideration: grateful for the teacher's ...
of his engagement, whether his contract were express or implied. Thus, in the familiar instance of bills of exchange and promissory notes, the implied contract of an indorser is, that be will pay the bill or note, provided it be not paid, on presentment at maturity, by the acceptor or ...
will render the drawer and endorsers of a bill or the endorsers of a note liable to the holder. But the drawer and endorsers may tender the money at any time before a writ has been issued; though the acceptor must pay the bill on presentment, and cannot plead a subsequent tender. 1 Ma...
This publication may also be protected under the copyright and trade secret laws of other countries. TRADEMARKS Skywire® is a registered trademark of Skywire Software, L.L.C. Docucorp®, its products (Docucreate™, Documaker™, Docupresentment™, Docusave®, Documanage™, Power...
Thus, in the familiar instance of bills of exchange and promissory notes, the implied contract of an indorser is, that be will pay the bill or note, provided it be not paid, on presentment at maturity, by the acceptor or maker, (being the party primarily liable, and provided that he ...