that the purpose of the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) Notice 2006 and the Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Licensing [...] 小組 委員會主席李華明議員表示,《 2006 年廢物處置條 例 (修訂附表4)公告》及《2006年 公 眾 衞 生 (動物及禽鳥)(禽畜飼養...
plain packaging iegistatbn and the GHW regulatloo eech oonstltutes an unreasonabfe :mpaim'lBflt to the manageme1L Maintenance, use, enJoyment 0: disposal 0: PM Asia's Investments in Australis in breach of Article 2(2) of the BIT ';;inally, and also pursuant to Article 2(2) of the...