(g) attempt to obtain, or assist any third party in obtaining, access to the Products or services other than as provided under this Agreement; (h) use the Product, Script or any work product developed under this Agreement by Qubit after the earlier expiration, termination of default of this...
Insurance Noticemeansa noticewith respect tothe Tenant’sfailure to payanyinsurance chargesor premiumsfollowing thegiving of whichTenant shallhave ten (10) days to cure such default, provided, however, ifthe insurance policyor coverage shall lapse by reason of such non-payment, within said ten ...
and any previous Exercise Notice); and (d) the entity to which the Exercised Option Interests shall be delivered, assigned or transferred (whether the Purchaser itself or its designee), provided that unless the Purchaser provides written notice to the Holder within 3 Business Days of receipt of...
The Intercreditor Agreement also imposes certain conditions on: (a) certain rights and remedies available to the Second Lien Agent in an event of default; (b) the ability of the Second Lien Agent or holders of Second Lien Notes (collectively, the "Second Lien Noteholders") to challenge the ...
The current Cloud Sphinx Theme license can be viewed at: https://bitbucket.org/ecollins/cloud_sptheme/src/default/LICENSE The current version of the original file can be viewed at: https://bitbucket.org/ecollins/cloud_sptheme/src/default/cloud_sptheme/themes/cloud/static/cloud.js_t Files...
The current Cloud Sphinx Theme license can be viewed at: https://bitbucket.org/ecollins/cloud_sptheme/src/default/LICENSE The current version of the original file can be viewed at: https://bitbucket.org/ecollins/cloud_sptheme/src/default/cloud_sptheme/themes/cloud/static/cloud.js_t Files...