同样,根据香港国际仲裁中心(HKIAC)2009-2021年的统计,2013-2021年,包含中国内地当事人的案件在HKIAC历年国际仲裁案件数量的排名中位列前二,其中: 2013年、2014年位居第一; 2015到2021年位居第二[2]。 因国际商事仲裁的保密性,绝大部分中国企业参与的国际商事...
I attended Mediation Training in 2012 and was accredited as an Accredited General Mediator by The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) in 2013. I was awarded Bachelor of Science by The University of Hong Kong in 2004 and Master… View More Kevin Bowers Areas of Practise Bankin...