the cat has noted an insect. / The cat has noticed the insect. However, this is asecondary meaningin my opinion, and most North Americans would say that the cat 'noticed the insect' to say that the cat has seen something new. If I were you, I would forget that note and notice can...
英语写作NOTICE AND NOTE NOTICEANDNOTE Notice:公告,通知,贴示Announcement/NOTICE/poster1)anannouncementcontaininginformationaboutafutureevent2)theactofnoticingorpayingattention Note便条1.ashortpersonalletter2.2.abriefwrittenrecord PrinciplesofWritingNoticeToachievetheintendedpurposeandimpress uponthosewhoreadnotices,...
英语写作NOTICE AND NOTE NOTICEANDNOTE Notice:公告,通知,贴示Announcement/NOTICE/poster1)anannouncementcontaininginformationaboutafutureevent2)theactofnoticingorpayingattention Note便条1.ashortpersonalletter2.2.abriefwrittenrecord PrinciplesofWritingNoticeToachievetheintendedpurposeandimpress uponthosewhoreadnotices,...
1、NOTICE AND NOTE,Notice:公告,通知,贴示 Announcement/NOTICE/poster 1)an announcement containing information about a future event 2)the act of noticing or paying attention,Note便条 a short personal letter 2. a brief written record,Principlesof Writing Notice,To achieve the intended purpose and ...
notice 意思是: 注意; 15世纪早期,“信息,知识,智慧”,源自14世纪的古法语notece,直接源自拉丁语notitia“已知的事物,名声,知识”,源自notus“已知”,过去分词(g)noscere“认识,了解,熟悉”,源自PIE*gno-sko-, 是PIE根*gno-“知道”的一个带后缀的形式。“正式
perceive is a more formal word meaning to detect by means of the senses; with reference to the mind, it implies realization, understanding, and insight: to perceive the sound of hoofbeats; to perceive the significance of an event. discern means to detect something that is obscure or concealed...
Makethefollowingsentencesasdirectandconcise.Aspossiblewithoutlosingtheoriginalmeaning. 1、Therearemanywomenwhowanttowork. 2、OnTuesdayofthisweek,Istartedgoingtocollegeclassesonafull-timebasis. 1、Manywomenwanttowork。 2、LastTuesday,Istartedgoingtocollege ...
5. Unsure of the meaning of this remark, Ryle chose to remain silent. 由于不确定这句话究竟是什么意思,赖尔选择了保持沉默。 6. A sarcastic remark was on the tip of her tongue. 挖苦的话到了她嘴边却没说出来。 7. Normally he asked questions, and had a humorous remark or two. 通常都是他...
The meaning of NOTICE OF DISHONOR is a notice by the holder to the drawer and each endorser of a negotiable bill or note that has been dishonored with failure to give such notice to any person liable generally discharging the obligation of that person.
"information, knowledge, intelligence," from Old French notece (14c.), and directly from… See origin and meaning of notice.