uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /c++/: Nothing to repeat at new RegExp (<anonymous>) at Object.highlight (jquery.flexdatalist.min.js:formatted:749) at Object.matches (jquery.flexdatalist.min.js:formatted:741) at Object.get (jquery.flexdatalist.min.js:formatted:719)...
I've tested this against the non-hermes version and it works fine. It seems that when I attempt to use my regex string it crashes the app: Invalid regular expression: Quantifier has nothing to repeat, js engine: hermes I have an example application here:https://github.com/Kikketer/Hermes...
还有一个运行时偶然发现的问题就是 匹配个数符号是不能仅仅作为分组里的唯一字符的,否则会报语法错误:Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression - Nothing to repeat,很容易理解就是语法错误,没有东西去 repeat。 let reg = /(http)(*)(.mp4)/reg.test('http://wewe.mP4')//VM385:1 Uncaught Synta...