Antipodean social media pen pal and long time needlework/knitting co-conspiratorSarah Bradberryrecently posted about a thrift store find – a 1971 vintage book entitledLettering for Embroidery.It’savailable for borrowing at the Internet Archive(free account sign-in is required). It’s an interestin...
that I had recovered in Haitian Cotton back in the early 1980s. It has survived four house moves and two children, but although the back and sides are in good shape, the seat cover and the area just under the seat are both shot. I still adore the thing even though it doesn...
speech presntation lacked punch DRnk 3 a cold or hot drink made by mixing fruit juices pieces of frut and often wine or other alcoholic drinks tool 4 a piece of equoce which cuts boles in a maena by pushing a piece of met through it a ticket punch have you seen the hole puneh ...
In parallel, a side of a pot cannot store water, thus revealing that it is not a pot: i.e. a pot is non-different from a side of itself, but not vice versa. Potter (1977, p. 74–75): "In Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika a whole is produced from its parts, but is not constituted by...
The only drawback of this magnificent little volume is that it is written in Marathi. I hope to find someone to read and translate parts of it for me, soon. For the record, I bought my copy at a local Crosswords, which is Pune’s shopping mall bookstore, similar to a B. Dalton, ...
We bought it in the Koregaon Park neighborhood of Pune, in a curiosities/furniture/antiques shop calledSanskriti Lifestyle. The clerk there was only able to tell me that it was old – he had no other information to share. So I began to research. ...
The book cover project 2020 was a welcome break from you-know-what. It came about after some queries about how to make the book covers I had done back in 2012. I had a book, I had DMC floss, I had 30-32 count cotton craft store even weave, and I had patterns. Why not? So I...
(a must-see if you are a weaving or textiles fan), theRed Fort, and at the end – a shopping trip toDilli Haat. If you are ever in Delhi, insist on going to Dilli Haat. Your driver may try to steer you to a different crafts or souvenir store, but stand firm. You’ll find ...
storerooms, and he came back with a very dusty and crumbling cardboard box full of odds and ends. All of the same type of thread (which turned out to be “art silk” – rayon) but all of very limited quantity. I picked out all of what remained in non-pastel colors, including ...
I have always wanted to put it someplace, but was loathe to use it on the floor. We did so in our apartment in Pune, and being fragile, keeping it clear of the sacred dust of the subcontinent was a bit of a challenge. I’ve been plotting and planning to hang it instead. But wher...