火速root 了这部 Nothing Phone 2 目前鼓捣如下: 1、装了个 Magisk,类似 Cydia 的东西。 2、开启了 Wechat 的平板模式,iOS Android 可以同登同一个号。 3、开启了伪装成 Pixel 设备,可以无限量使用 Google...
执行解锁BL后,手机提示解锁,按住音量下选择解锁BL选项,确定后等待手机自动解锁BL成功 2:获取root权限 我们这里推荐大家使用magisk授权,目前来说兼容最好,并且实测在多台Nothing Phone(2a) 上都完美运行。这款手机存在init_boot分区,所有我们需要从payload.bin里提取这个分区 然后进行维补生成magisk_root.img文件,最后参...
Nothing Phone (2a)手机已支持获取root权限了,刷机之前需要进行解锁BL,解锁BL会清除手机全部数据,如果有重要资料请自行备份到电脑端 本项目为远程刷机服务,非第三方ROM刷机资料下载,仅支持远程刷机 远程刷机需要用户自己有电脑,并且可联网,网速满足远程条件才可以 ...
OnePlus ACE2 Firmware PHK110domestic_11_A.08_2023020900550158-nowroot"> OnePlus ACE2 Firmware PHK110domestic_11_A.08_2023020900550158 2年前 4380 一加6T官方线刷救砖包9008刷机 包 一加6T官方线刷救砖包9008刷机 包 2年前 2725 OnePlus ace2pro flash 9008 edl fix OnePlus ace2pro flash 9008 edl fix...
DEVICE=phone2 VENDOR=nothing # Load extract_utils and do some sanity checks MY_DIR="${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" if [[ ! -d "${MY_DIR}" ]]; then MY_DIR="${PWD}"; fi ANDROID_ROOT="${MY_DIR}/../../.." HELPER="${ANDROID_ROOT}/tools/extract-utils/extract_utils.sh" if [ ! -f...
Oh yes indeed, I remember fondly, each little update with (1) phone... Get ready for, Nothing Phone 2 has bluetooth, it has AMOLED display, it has 3 rear cameras, it has LED notification lights on the back, it has 8GB RAM minimum, it has a 512GB model, etc, etc... Wow, what...
Install some of thebest root appsand enhance your user experience. Keep in mind that unlocking the bootloader and rooting your Nothing Phone 1 will impact how you take updates. You’ll need to learn how to manually sideload monthly security patch updates. No need to worry, though, as it is...
There's Android12, root, TWRP, de-bloat, call recording, Gcam Port, and unofficial DeX support. Reply 👍 F Fredwinia TTj 23 Jul 2022 How am I supposed to see those leds? Phone in my hand or it is lying on its back. Reply The Flip 4BT 23 Jul 2022 Instead of calling it...
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Nothing Phone 1 安装面具ROOT #面具root #安卓 #数码科技 - 普罗(远程刷机)于20221224发布在抖音,已经收获了2.9万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!