And I can use thermometer as the word du jour, because I don't have any strong feelings towards thermometers, one way or the other, and therefore that won't mess up this meme I'm about to do. Yeah, yeah I know. A meme. Or survey, or quiz, whatever you wanna call it. But don...
This didn't work very well, because "Empathy Bad! Boo! Hiss!" is a trope that isn't as widely accepted outside the conservative bubble as its employers believed, and a meme, like a joke, that has to be unpacked and set up before most people can "get" it, just doesn't work in ...
I used to even plan and make all the arrangements for my crashes and breakdowns—okay, Mom can take Ender for a sleepover on Wednesday, maybe I can sell Flora to her friend for the day and even night, Cinder will be okay on his own for a few hours, I’m gonna go scream in the ...
My husband is making the same assumption as many people:I know what I want to do and I’m doing it. But being a writer in the age of a billion blogs, when you can’t go to a party without running into someone who is also a writer or wants to be a writer is like standing in...
You literally can j... moreI can search up problems with iphones and samsungs and find plenty of people stating issues they've had with those devices. Doesn't mean anything if it's a personal / isolated issue with an individual unit though. Not exactly "spoon fed" to ask someone to ...
as someone who knew her protested loudly that it wasn’t suicide, I was wrong for saying it was, and I was offending her family. It was upsetting at the time, but now I can only think of how hurt this woman truly was when she eventually was told the truth, by someone other than ...
You can try to seem worldly as an Irish person living abroad. You can go to the National Gallery and stare knowingly at a fire exit you have mistaken for a piece of modern art, nodding sagely as people stroll past you and you murm...
It is only by observing the relationships of the individuals that have worked toward the success of this meme, that we can understand the dynamics of the campaign. Dynamics that demonstrate a strong alliance between two key parties: Purpose Inc. and the US Democratic Party....
Apple's new iPhone XS is a modest step up from last year's iPhone X, but remains a major technological leap forward for anyone who hasn't yet made the jump to the edge-to-edge design with Face ID. As with the debut of the iPhone X, if you can stomach the
That is a form of denial that can appear superficially persuasive in the beginning stages of a pandemic wave. First, cases rise, followed by hospitalizations, and then by deaths. When cases have started to rise but hospitalizations haven’t, you say the rising cases are just more testing. ...