In my look at NOTHING BUT THE NIGHT I mentioned being surprised by a WICKER MAN-ish feel so why not pair this one with THE WICKER MAN, which Lee starred in the same year as NOTHING BUT THE NIGHT. Lee’s on the side of darkness in this one playing the iconic Lord Summerisle, a st...
I mean I can give you the footnotes, sure, but Fuller didn't exactly run seminars on Clown biology. He didn't run seminars period, and frankly neither did Manny or the Ringmaster, but really once you get too esoteric you might as well be preaching to the shareholders. No, I can't ...
Indeed, one of the artists featured in this room, Giovanni Battista Moroni, is more Renaissance than Baroque, but he is included in this room because his ultra-naturalistic style is a precursor to that of the Baroque painter Caravaggio, whose work appears in D29. Moroni is primarily known ...
but using a 3:1 mix of Keto flour to APF; subbing in the Swerve equivalents of the brown and white sugars; and using the Choc Zero chips in place of standard bittersweet chips or chunks. On the sugars, I took the make-it-less-sweet bite out of the quantity of white sugar...
i've seen a lot of darkness but i know this to be true the night time sky's got nothing on you the way you notice me then blow me off the way you always act oh not so smart the way the notes play make a play for my heart the way you're here even when you're gone how yo...
Learning something new can be a scary experience, but I had a strong desire not to shame my parents, therefore, i showed my best strength. I knew there was nothing that I could not manage. I fought for my family’s honor, and always wanted to make my family proud of me. I believed...
Like Walter, I promise nothing but friendship and loyalty, boast nothing but crassness and machismo and whether you like me or not, I will be there, ringer in hand, to defend you...
Jerry picks up Ricky from this condominium complex, where Ricky claims the lobby is actually his unit (plus a security guard, but minus a bed). City Limits Diner 200 Central Ave., White Plains, NEW YORK(map) “China Maybe?” Jerry brings Ricky Gervais back for a second visit, this time...
It is not propriety not to give out but to receive, or vice versa. 两情若是长久时,乂岂在朝朝暮暮。 If love between both sides can last tor aye, why need they stay together night and day? 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 The way ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and ...
The eye dart: Humans have more eye expressions than any other animal and our eyes can look around if we’re trying to hide something. When we look up to our left, we’re often recalling memory. But when our eyes roll up to our right, we are thinking new ideas. Also, the guilt of...