but now a wave of undetectable synthetic diamonds has flooded global gem markets, threatening to expose the artifice that props up a multi-billion dollar industry. "This is a perfect crime." Berlinale adds to the intrigue: "This is a labyrinth where illusions and reality merge, where authentici...
#Nothing but a light# 随机到一首buckskin stallion blues û收藏 转发 2 ñ2 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 微关系 她的关注(233) Anny__Fan VOICERme 快乐农妇 帕格尼尼的左手 她的粉丝(220) youpiL酱 空山幽雨后 Guaia...
One would think that the client would be unhappy with this arrangement, but he almost never is. That’s because the agency usually explains to the client that he is getting a good deal, since the agency doesn’t take its usual 10 percent commission of its client’s income when it is ...
But I guarantee you that one of the most shocking is watching this moose's daring leap. The video shows a young moose scaling some rocks on the cliffs of Nippers Harbour in Newfoundland, Canada. After tentatively toeing around the edge of the rocks, it takes the plunge and dives into ...