notesontheenglishcharacter主旨notesontheenglishcharacter "Notes on the English Character" 的主旨是探讨和描述英格兰民族的性格特点和行为习惯。这篇文章可能涵盖多个方面,例如历史、文化、社会、经济以及民族性格的形成等,以便更全面地理解英格兰民族的性格。文章可能会探讨英格兰人的谦逊、礼貌、坚韧、幽默感、热爱传统...
英国散文欣赏: Notes on the English Character by E.M. Forster First note. I had better let the cat out of the bag at once and record my opinion that the character of the English is essentially middle class. There is a sound historical reason for this, for, since the end of the eighte...
NotesontheEnglishCharacter E.M.Forster KeyPointsoftheText 1.Tounderstandnotesbothpositiveand negativeontheEnglishcharacters:middleclass;thepublicschoolsystem;theunderdevelopedheartofthemiddleclassEnglishman;hypocrisy;treachery,crueltyandfanaticism2.toappreciatehumorinthetext.3.topointoutmainrhetorical...
内容提示: 英国散文欣赏: Notes on the English Character by E.M. Forster First note. I had better let the cat out of the bag at once and record my opinion that the character of the English is essentially middle class. There is a sound historical reason for this, for, since the end of...
课文notesontheenglishcharacter英国人的性格特点译文 英国人的性格特点 E·M·福斯特 1.首先,我最好和盘托出并且点明我的观点,从根本上来说,英国人的性格特点是中产阶级的性格特点。此观点拥有详实的历史渊源,因为自18世纪末起中产阶级就成为了英国社会的主导阶级。中产阶级凭借工业革命发家,凭借1832年的《改革...
First note. I had better let the cat out of the bag at once and record my opinion that the character of the English is essentially middle class. Ther 英国散文欣赏:Notes on the English Character by E.M. Forster First note. I had better let the cat out of the bag at once and record...
我这样说是因为我有一条具有说服力的历史理由 自十八世纪末以来 中产阶级已经成为我们社会中的主要力量。 他们通过工业革命赢得财富 通过 1832 年的 《改 革法案》 获得政治权力 他们和不列颠王朝的兴起和组成联系在一起 他们为十九世纪文学的繁荣担负了责任。可靠 谨慎 正直 高效。 缺乏想象力 虚伪。 这些特征是...