THIS book is on novel lines, and is likely to be of great use to honours and research students as well as to lecturers and workers in organic chemistry. The author sets out in short crisp paragraphs notes on a large variety of pertinent subjects. These include organic reactions, the ...
G.L Patrick著"Instant Notes in Organic Chemistry"一书是2000年由英国BIOS Scientific Publishers出版的Instant Notes系列参考书的一种.该书同年由科学出版社影印出版,中文译名为<精要速览系列有机化学(影印版)>.全书共315页,分十五章(Section),每章又分若干分章.每分章开始用提要(Key note)的形式列出所要讨论...
书名:《Instant Notes in Inorganic Chemistry》 作者:P. A. Cox 出版时间:2004年 页数:359页 语言:English 简介: Instant Notes is divided by the major sections of inorganic chemistry (atomic structure; introduction to inorganic substances; structure and bonding in molecules; structure and bonding in ...
The names of organic compounds have two parts: the prefix or stem and the end part (or suffix). The prefix tells you how many carbon atoms are present in the longest continuous chain in the compound. The suffix tells you what functional group is on the compound. ...
I have been studying on my own for my Chemistry exam and stumbled upon Chemistry Notes’s General and Organic Chemistry notes. I looked at the preview and I went straight ahead to get this! ChemistryNotes covered all of the material I needed. The well-organized notes focused on every topic...
Semantic Scholar NCBI 相似文献Lecture Notes on Fullerene Chemistry The fullerenes, hailed as one of the discoveries of the century, have created whole new fields of organic/organometallic chemistry and of physics. Together... Taylor,Roger - Imperial Colleg...
Note:Tounderstandreactionmechanismsitisimportanttounderstandthedefinitionsof“reactant”and“reagent”.Areactantisanysubstanceonthelefthandsideofthereactionequation.Thereagentisthesubstance(ormixtureofsubstances)addedtobringaboutthechemicalchangeofthereactantthatweareconsidering,i.e.theorganiccomponentinthiscase. Namin...
Notes on Sn1, Sn2, E2, and E1 - Organic Chemistry | CHEM 251 (3) Notes for Exam, Introduction to MINITAB - Data Analysis I | STAT 528 Midterm Problems for Individual Studies | STAT 693 Glossary of Spanish Food Terms 15 Questions on Forage Crops - Final Exam | HCS 412 Term 1...
This is a course on organic solar cells from Technical University of Denmark.Considering what I already learned in the previous two courses, the focus will mostly be on "organic" this time.Organic Solar Cells - Theory and Practice Good news is, this isn't a math- or physics-intensive cours...