4.1Summarizingaconversation ThissectionintroducesthetopicofusingEnglishfordifferentpurposesinbusiness.TakingnotesoninformationyouhearandsummarizingthemainpointsofaconversationareveryimportantcommunicationskillswhenusingEnglishinbusiness.Awarm-updiscussion BusinessEnglishisusedinvariousways.Furtherdiscussionquestions:Whichofthe...
Connecting is different with talking. We connect with other, we feel good, and we focus on the topic, however even we talk loadly, may not a good communication. An effective communication can help us communicate better, no matter with leader, family members, friends, or even strangers. How...
Notes on Intercultural Communication Posts Tagged ‘Kant’ Arrow, Circle, Spiral and Cylinder – Different Conceptions of Time and History with 2 comments The Arrow Jürgen Kuhlmannwrote an interesting article about the different concepts of history from a theologist`s point of view (Kreis oder Pfei...
Thus, to develop Fe: Realize that everyone has their own life going on, and their needs and desires are just as important to them as yours are to you, so take more interest in them and get involved in their life instead of expecting them to come to you. Use small acts of caring to...
All communication is either symmetrical or complementary. Every communication string is circular. It is an interaction between two or more partners. Behavior is a reaction on a previous situation. It also is impulse, boost or reduction of further actions. If previous behaviors or messages dominate ...
Section Two: Oral communication skills Chatper 4: stand up and stand out making the most of your body languange - Voice - Body languange Chapter 5: are you just "waiting to talk"? listening to understand - Maintain eye contact and posture ...
Culture has a strong dependence on communication because of the help it provides in the process of exchanging information in the objective to transmit ideas, feelings, and specific situations present in the person’s mind. This means the more different an individuals cultural background is, the mo...
Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. It can make you confident when you are studying. But unluckily most students don’t know how to take notes.★Write down key facts. If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard, th
Notesarebasedondirectories First,GeneralAdministrationofpublicsecurity Second,publicsecuritymanagementfunction Third,publicsecuritymanagementpractice Fourth,publicsecuritymanagementmethodandpublicsecurity reform Individualchoicequestion 1.inmodernsociety,themostimportantfunctionofmanagement ...
Academically, the students were serious and eager to improve their English and communication skills. Moreover, the facilities and classrooms were also modern and technologically equipped, making my work much easier. In the prepa...