TAI FL (1936) Notes on Chinese fungi VI. Additional notes on Erysiphaceae of China. - Bulletin of the Chinese Botanical Society 2: 16-28.Tai FL (1936) Notes on Chinese fungi VI. Additional notes on Erysiphaceae of China. Bull Chin Bot Soc 2:16–28...
Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008) Ainsworth & Bisby’s dictionary of the fungi, 10th edn. CABI, Wallingford Google Scholar Kirschner R, Pang KL, Jones EBG (2013) Two cheirosporous hyphomycetes reassessed based on morphological and molecular examination. Mycol Prog 12:29...
Notes on some corticolous non-lichenized Pyrenomycetes from Lithuania According to Ainsworth and Bisby's Dictionary of the fungi (Hawksworth et al., 1995), lichen is an ecologically obligate, stable mutualism between an exhabitant fungal partner and an inhabitant population of extracellularly locate...
This paper provides illustrated descriptions of micro-fungi newly found on Pandanaceae in China and Thailand. The fungi are accommodated in 31 families. Ne
Notes on lignicolous and corticioid fungi in China 4. Three Chinese new records in Acanthofungus, Dichostereum and Vararia中国木生革菌研究4.刺囊革菌属,二叉韧革菌属和叉丝革菌属中的三个中国新记录种单囊壳属新记录种子囊果西北林学院叉丝...
These radio transmissions were simultaneously emitted as a sound component into the exhibition space. For the Biennial opening, seventeen local sound artists performed on site, in response toGanoderma’sradio frequency transmissions. Here, fungi and humans formed a call and response, rhythmic language,...
Fungal diversity notes 603–708: taxonomic and phylogenetic notes on genera and species This is the sixth in a series of papers where we bring collaborating mycologists together to produce a set of notes of several taxa of fungi. In this study......
Orthographical errors or gender errors do not affect the valid publication of names, but we must correct them based on the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, and use the corrected names. In recently years, Gesneriaceae is a hotspot family, but a lot of scientific...
AM fungi diversity in the main tree-peony cultivation areas in China我国洛阳与菏泽牡丹主栽园区AM真菌多样性研究 In order to characterize arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM) fungal resources in the rhizosphere of tree-peony(Paeonia suffruticosa),we collected soil and root samp... Shaoxia Guo,Yugang Zhang,Min...
Baroni TJ, Horak E (1994) Entolomataceae in North America III: new taxa, new combinations and notes on species of Rhodocybe. Mycologia 86:138–145 Article Google Scholar Baroni TJ, Watling R (1999) Taxonomic and mycogeographic notes on some Malaysian fungi IV. Notes on Clitopilus and Rho...