Ah, variable names. Length is not a virtue in a name; clarity of expression is. A global variable rarely used may deserve a long name, maxphysaddr say. An array index used on every line of a loop needn’t be named any more elaborately than i. Saying index or elementnumber is more ...
Brian Kernighan(布莱恩 柯林汉)不是 C 语言的缔造者,但是他却是这本书的作者。是 Unix 缔造者的三号人物,不过一说起 Unix 缔造者大家更经常提到的是 Ken Thompson 和 Dennis Ritchie。Kernighan 是 Linux 命令中 awk 的 K。 Dennis Ritchie 是 Unix 和 C 语言的缔造者,已于 2011 年去世。 Chapter 1: A...
Advanced C: Food for the Educated Palate - Narain Gehani (1985). Great on pointers, pointers to functions, and a variety of advanced topics, such as how stuff is stored in memory, dynamic memory, stack usage, function calling, parameter passing, etc. Assumes you have a good grasp of C ...
Tables and notes 1 through 12 are based on the "Table of Intrinsic Functions," from ANSI X3.9-1978 Programming Language FORTRAN, with the FORTRAN extensions added.(1) INT If A is type integer, then INT(A) is A.If A is type real or double precision, then:if...
The compiler will try to perform template substitution, and it will fail on: template <typename C> static YesType& test( decltype(&C::ToString) ) ; Obviously, there is no int::ToString method so that the first overloaded method will be excluded from the resolution set. But then, the ...
C/C++ math built-ins can return incorrect results for some edge-case inputs when called from SYCL kernels. To enhance performance on Intel® GPUs using the Unified Runtime Level Zero Adapter, support for driver-optimized in-order lists has been introduced in version 2025.0. However, when run...
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX not honored for Python files installation on Windows (github pull #6485 from ricrogz) Fixed tests that weren't being run in testDepictor.py (github pull #6486 from rachelnwalker) Get tests to work when building without exception support (i.e., legacy pure JS library...
The Swift Programming Language: Language Guide vimtutor Other Neat words: Words I've read and had to look up definitions for. Frameworks: Useful frameworks for my thinking and my work. How I Take Notes On my Macbook, I have the Kindle app open with the book, as well as the markdown ...
You can use the new CMake Debugger to debug your CMake scripts at configure time. You can set breakpoints based on filenames, line numbers, and when CMake errors are triggered. Additionally, you can view call stacks of filenames and watch defined variables. Currently, this only works with...
You can set breakpoints, inspect variables, use the console, and perform other debugging tasks on your Windows Phone 8.1 emulator or attached device.We added CLI interoperability for the RC release. Cordova projects in Visual Studio will now synchronize with changes made to your project folder on...