The banjo mic was set up around 400mm away, again aimed roughly at the body/neck junction. There's no soundhole on a banjo, of course, as the tensioned skin forms the main radiating surface, and this means that body boom isn't an issue. Most of the sound radiates at right angles t...
My mother cleaned me up and wrapped a napkin around my neck. I was ready: I had my eating clothes on.We decided the family would dine on a medley of beef and chicken Tacos, frijoles and rice, and guacamole ala Juanita. The waiter rushed our order to the kitchen. The evening was turn...
Now that the dust has settled, a lot of it has settled on her and in the cold light of morning, when you’re running around with a feather duster trying to clean up you image for the courts,she’s said, “What I believed to be a peaceful political march turned into a violent prote...