Notes of a Crocodile的创作者· ··· 邱妙津作者 作者简介· ··· 邱妙津,台湾彰化人,一九六九年生,一九九一年毕业于台湾大学,一九九二年赴法国,留学巴黎第八大学心理系,一九九五年六月在巴黎自杀身亡,年仅二十六岁。邱妙津多方面的才华在大学时代就开始充分显现,曾获得时报文学奖推荐奖、《联合文学》中篇小说新...
<前页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 50 51 后页> > 我来写笔记 > Notes of a Crocodile 作者: Qiu Miaojin isbn: 168137076X 书名: Notes of a Crocodile 页数: 256 译者: Bonnie Huie 定价: USD 15.95 出版社: NYRB Classics 出版年: 2017-5-2 装帧: Paperback©...
在她去世二十三年后,邱妙津的作品仍然称得上是奇迹。去年1月,一部关于她生平的纪录片在香港电台播出,几个月后,NYRB Classics出版了《鳄鱼手记》的英文译本《Notes of a Crocodile》。最近,我与这本书的译者Bonnie Huie聊了一下关于邱妙津的作品和她的影响,以及翻译这本书时她所遇到的挑战。 Neocha: 你最初是怎么...
Notes of a Crocodile 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 震动台湾的一代传奇 用生命创作的天才 以凌厉激烈的才华横空出世,又决绝惨烈地毅然与人世告别 20世纪末台湾文坛最绚烂传奇的女同作家 邱妙津,台湾彰化人,一九六九年生,一九九一年毕业于台湾大学,一九九二年赴法国,留学巴黎第八大学心理系,一九九五年六月在巴...
鳄鱼手记 Notes of a Crocodile的剧照按喜欢排序 · 按尺寸排序 · 按时间排序 1440x1080 1440x1080 1440x1080 + 上传剧照&海报&壁纸 > 全部图片 剧照(3) 官方剧照 (3) 海报(1) 壁纸(0) > 去 鳄鱼手记 的页面 © 2005-2025, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司 关于豆瓣...
We can use flour and chocolate to make matchstick cookies. 3. We can put our pencils into the mouth of the crocodile pencil box. 4. The sunflower seeds of the chair are books. 5. Bobby likes animals . We can buy a crocodile pencil box for him as a gift. ...
The post-it notes are like or2. We can use flour and chocolate to matchstick cookies.3. We can put our pencils into the of the crocodile pencil box.4. The sunflower seeds of the chair are5. Bobby likes. We can buy a crocodile pencil box for him as a gift. 相关知识点: ...
想来这边留一份书评,看看是不是我的英文文学语感还欠缺。Queer Literature论文选了心心念念的鳄鱼手记。印象最深刻的一篇,找到英文版本对应片段时有些失望。为了易读性和逻辑的连贯,失去了妙津对语言去熟悉化的行文精髓。(真的像普通的日记了。)哪怕是更机械化的翻译也好,不要把那些指代比喻的名词全部拿掉换成常用...
Sea Monster Habitat - Saltwater Crocodile Increased the quantity of Sea Monster's Spirit Pouch and Ferocious Sea Monster's Spirit Pouch by 3.5 times when defeating monsters in the designated monster zones. Goldmont Pirate Territory Increased the drop rates of Elaborate Pearl Necklace, Obsidian Crystal...
Surveys of the Palauan saltwater crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, were conducted in 2003 to determine population, genetic, morphological and ecological parameters of this species. A total of 45 crocodiles were observed over 32 survey treks: 42 over 103.06 km of coastline (average of 0.44 crocodiles ...