Free Download Notepad2 (64-bit) v4.2.25Filesize: 350.50 kB Other editions: Notepad2 Notepad2 Portable Notepad2 Portable (64-bit) HTML code for linking to this page: Keywords: asp assembly c c++ c# cgi css Top downloads Format Factory ManyCam The Dude NoVirusThanks Win Update Stop Padus ...
Notepad2 | Windows 32/64 BitsThis more contemporary take on Notepad immediately impresses thanks to its syntactical colouring, making for a much easier time of things when it comes to working on its code thanks to the defined colourisation of various tags and code elements. In a more general ...
Notepad2 (64-bit) 4.2.25 > 友情链接用高级工具替换标准的Windows记事本,其特点是语法突出显示Notepad2的开发人员Flo's Freeware指出,Windows系统中的默认文本编辑器Notepad没有任何错误:它与操作系统相比轻便,快速,完全集成。但是使用文本文件的作家,程序员和其他人都知道记事本有其局限性。 Notepad2提供了比记事本...
Brace matching, auto indent, long line marker, zoom functions ; Support for Unicode, UTF-8, Unix and Mac text files ; Open shell links ; No need to install – unzip and run. Download Notepad2 32bitor64bit Related Posts: Replace Windows Notepad for Syntax Highlighting, Regular Expressions, ...
Notepad2-mod 英文 及 简体中文 32+64 bit 免费开源 Notepad2-mod 英文 及 简体中文 32+64 bit 压缩包中,有英文原版及汉化版 上传者:xiaxia95271时间:2017-04-04 Notepad2-mod_x86_4.2.25.720_PortableSoft 这是一个增强的记事本,可以显示行数,字数等等。简单易用。
Notepad2 is a portable text editor designed for Windows - both the 64-bit and 32-bit systems. It provides syntax highlighting for several programming and web languages .
Shift+F8 Recode 7-bit ASCII file as UTF-8. Alt+F8 Reload file without file variable parsing. Ctrl+S Save file. F6 Save file as. Ctrl+F6 Save file copy. Ctrl+P Print file. Alt+H Open recent file.ToolsAlt+N Open document in new window. ...
You can download FreeFixer here. It runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/2016/2019/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. Supports both 32- and 64-bit Windows.If you have questions, feedback on FreeFixer or the website, need help analyzing FreeFixer's scan result or just want to say hello, ...
Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 both 32-bit and 64-bit References Seen on Nsane Forums: Notepad3 is an advanced text editor..., a review of Notepad3 posted by the moderator Karston at nsane.forums. To be correct and complete, this Notepad3's review is written on 2020-08-11 by Ashwin ...