【1】 下载 WineBottler 1.6.x()【2】 将 WineBottler.app 和 Wine.app 复制到你的Mac上.【3】运行WineBottler. 在“Download” 选项中搜索 “notepad” ,点击 “Notepad++”【4】 为App命名.。【5】完成后在”on my Mac“中运行Notepad++ 。【6】如果Notepad++ 检测到有更新, 可以安装更新...
打开WineBottler应用。在“Download”选项中搜索“notepad”,然后点击“Notepad++”进行下载和安装准备。为App命名:在安装过程中,你需要为即将安装的Notepad++应用命名。这个名称将出现在你的Mac应用列表中。运行Notepad++:安装完成后,你可以在“on my Mac”中找到并运行Notepad++。此时,你已经成功在Mac...
Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps. notePad4+ Tomoo Tezuka ¥8.00 Description notePad is a simple and small notepad, and supports the iCloud. If you were using version 1.6.5. You can use same data continues by using "Data converter 2". Download from the support page. Fr...
Mac Notepad provides an almost dizzying number of features. It provides basics like spell checking dictation smart links and substitutions. It automatically or manually merges notes about a given topic into one easily-browsed document. You can format the text to your heart's content to almost the...
How much memory will Mac Notepad require? One of the most interesting features of this add-on is that it will not require much memory. The total file size is only 8.54 megabytes. It is therefore a viable alternative for those who might not have a great deal of hard drive space to spare...
- Always on top of other windows. - No formatting, no styles, no rich text. - Automatically remove formatting when pasting text. - Line, character, and word counters update instantly as you type. - Monospace font for better text editing. ...
How to run Notepad++ on a Mac If you are set on running Notepad++ on Mac, you will have to resort to virtual machines and emulators. If you are already using one for another task, you can easily install and use Notepad++ on your Mac. If not, let’s see how you can do that. ...
windows/mac os/uos/deepin/redhat 全系列支持的文本编辑器ndd2.3 有用户在gitee上留言说:Mac os ...
1.3 • 93 Ratings ¥15.00 Description A Powerful All-in-One file management App called Total Manager is now On-Sale in Appstore. It has •FTP Client •Files Archiver,Unarchiver •Photo,Video Viewer… Get Total Manager today!
- Show/Hide ruler to help you stay focused on the text you are reading! - Option to show the number of sentences, lines, words, unique words, characters, characters without spaces and spaces in a text! - Quickly access font, color and alignment of the text!