NotepadNext的强大之处还在于其扩展插件。你可以根据自己的需要安装不同的插件,就像是给厨房添加了各种电器,让烹饪变得更加高效。 更新日志 v0.9版本 添加改写切换 搜索框定位 复制搜索结果 修复了中与Qt 6.7.2的崩溃 修复宏保存 调整JSON错误颜色 通过添加其他单词字符 修复C关键字 在“查找”对话框...
1、可以去腾讯管家软件管理安装notepad++。 2、下载插件Jsonviewer2.dll(64位)【这个可以去其他博客的GitHub下载】,放置到安装目录的plugins目录下。重启。 3、查看插件--->JSON Viewer--->Format JSON 。看不到的话,插件管理-找到插件JSON Viewer,点击安装 例子,格式化之前 格式化之后 ... ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于notepad 打开json的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及notepad 打开json问答内容。更多notepad 打开json相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
updates.json Update updates.json Jan 24, 2025 Notepad Next A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++. Though the application overall is stable and usable, it should not be considered safe for critically important work. There are numerous bugs and half working implementations. Pull requests are...
updates.json Update updates.json Aug 2, 2022 README License Notepad Next A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++. Though the application overall is stable and usable, it should not be considered safe for critically important work.
deleted if you hit the Delete key after selecting the text. You can still select the EOP character by using Shift+→ and by extending the selection to the next line. Also, if word wrap is turned off, the insertion-point caret now follows any spaces you enter instead of ignoring the ...
Unformatting with Notepad: Bridging the Gap to Format Freedom Bryan Rhea@brheal Notepad Typesetter Word, Word, Word: Word Is for the Birds: How too many damn options stunt creativity. Jesse Pickrain@jpickrain Notepad Marketing Lead. Concerned Writer. ...
The best feature of Notepad++ is that it opens all the files if we close the application, so next time we don't need to reopen those files. Notepad++ provides a syntax highlighter so we can run our code without any mistakes. What do you dislike about Notepad++? It is only ...
click "Plugins"/"JSON Viewer"/"Format JSON" or use the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M This is the resulting formatted code: The plugin can also show a treeview browsable version of the JSON fragment: select all the json fragment click "Plugins"/"JSON Viewer"/"Show JSON Viewer" or...